Editor's Rating
Story - "Cursed Affection" offers a blend of intrigue and familiar tropes, set against the eerie backdrop of a small cult-like town. While the plot hints at deeper lore, it sometimes feels like a whirlwind, especially with the characters’ odd priorities grating against the immersive experience. It's clear there’s potential for a gripping narrative, but the exploration is still surface-level. - 72%
Visual - On the visual front, Daniel K delivers the eye candy we’ve come to expect. The character renders are impressive, creating an alluring, atmospheric vibe that pulls players in. The animations are smooth, adding a dynamic touch to the scenes. However, there are moments—like particular character designs—where inconsistencies can slightly mar the beauty of the overall presentation. - 85%
Engagement - Engagement is a mixed bag. The relationships develop at a breakneck pace, leaving little time for emotional investment. While the intriguing premise keeps us hooked, the choices during intimate scenes lack coherence, diminishing the player's ability to feel immersed. The stakes are set high, but the emotional connection falters due to rushed character interactions that could use more depth. - 60%
Core Loop - The core gameplay loop has its merit but also leaves room for improvement. While the blend of story progression and gameplay mechanics is promising, many choices feel inconsequential at this stage. The inclusion of mini-games adds a fun layer but requires refinement; they can distract from the flow rather than enhance it. - 65%
out off 100%
This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.
AI haters are CUCKS for the LIBS
daniel K always delivered a great story VN might be in another life he will be a novelist
You’re supplied a stupid knocked up bitch right at the very beginning of this dogshit moron trash game. How cute.
All “affection” amongst homos is cursed.