
Brothel Megacorporation [v0.25] [Khing Orchestra]

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Editor's Rating

Story - 75%
Visual - 84%
Engagement - 85%
Core Loop - 81%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.27 ( 92 votes)

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  1. Females don’t have a penis. That anyone believes this is purely mind boggling. What is even worse is you are expected to believe this as well. People are silenced for calling out this madness.

  2. It’s amazing that this game only has 300MB of internal memory but it has all the content you want to experience, including all the beauties you want to see, including full social chat content. The volume of a typical 2Gb adult game. I expect that when this game continues to expand its content to 3Gb, it will include the majority of girls from all over the world, corresponding to the huge growth of the Brothel in the game. play. That is truly a wonderful experience😆

  3. What’s even better is that it has a cheat code inside the instructions. All the bitches from their looks to their faces to their expressions are great, the animations are smooth and realistic. It’s a pity those choices. Choosing a recruitment contract is limited to a few available members, not more. Future updates will focus on increasing ranks based on old members. Nothing else. However, the game is still very good Great, worth downloading.

  4. I urge you to not play games that are trying to groom you into globohomo. Avoid movies, tv and anything else that is trying to brainwash you as well. Being gay is unhealthy and unnatural. Along with being a choice. Like a murderer choosing to murder or a thief choosing to steal. People have 2 sides. One decent and one evil. Don’t choose evil and don’t allow them to trick you into thinking evil is good.

    1. I urge you to shut up and let people do what they want.
      Being gay is literally observable in over 1500 different species, there is no proof for it being unhealthy and no reason to believe it is unnatural. Just because your idiot ass can’t understand it doesn’t mean it’s evil

      1. Some globohomo: “no proof for it being unhealthy”

        The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: “the most common transmission category of new HIV infections remained male-to-male sexual contact, which accounted for roughly 79% of all new infections in the United States in 2021”. … “Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men are a small percentage of the U.S. population, but are consistently the population group most affected by the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the United States, and are the largest proportion of American citizens with an AIDS diagnosis who have died.”

        Me: LOL.

  5. Add new characters, such as Chinese and Arab women, and add new types of developments in the home and some interactions, such as the client’s request for sexual intercourse, its types, and what is the role of the doctor.

  6. how nice a game that isn’t about fucking your sister and mother, with thousands of lines of meaningless dialogue. I really enjoy playing this game.

      1. A couple of the girls occasionally get fucked by chicks with dicks, but it’s hotter than a guy fucking I guess haha, but that’s it.

  7. Put other download sites for window!!!

    “Uploadhaven” has a *VIRUS*
    “” is full of Advertising, garbage.
    “Mega” has limits for downloads.

    Good sites for downloads:

  8. They shouldn’t allow an idiot to post 200 messages. It ruins the experience. There are thousands of pages where you can read the opinions of users. Here on this page there is an idiot ruining that.

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