Home » Anita’s Internship [v0.40] [Pigeon Pleasure]

Anita’s Internship [v0.40] [Pigeon Pleasure]

User Rating: 7

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
Story - 6.6
Visual - 7.4
Engagement - 7.1
Core Loop - 7

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22 7


  1. wtf is wrong with this website. i cant even look at the previews, its trying to download the images

    • Works for me.

  2. Again. Forced incel fetish. No lesbian path

    More one master PIECE OF SHIT. Spice Spice. Woke Rtard plot.

    • I’m confused, who’s the incel in it? Also, unfortunately, there is a lesbian path.

      • he’s the incel. lol.

        • what you mean “unfortunately” a lesbian path. Lesbians play games too, can you believe it?

          • Incels cannot believe women would play porn games. Most don’t believe women have souls. Incels are the worst kind of cuck.

          • And guys like watching women getting off with each other, can you believe it?

            Some women–gasp!–like watching men getting off with each other.

            This is what some retards apparently think what’s destroying America and why they think everyone who is not straight and white needs murdered. They’ll never say it out loud because they’re pussies and can’t stand up for themselves. Some can. They’re still retards but retards with a backbone is better than spineless incels.

  3. What happened to the elaborate reviews of games? What about the 5-star-rating? Vote up or Down is not really a suitable rating. Games have pros and cons.
    Anita’s Intership has good CG, a nice main character, a classic corruption mechanism and sex-scenes – but it’s also linear: There is only one real route, the alternative is no content. Also: A few puzzle-images can be nice, but here it seems to be the main activity for the player. In a 5star-rating-system I would give it solid 3 out of 5.

    • It turned into a 10 rating system, up at the top on the right. I agree w/ your review.

      • thanks, was confused by the new style.

  4. Decent VN with niche kinks. Thus far: transgender stuff, lesbian, foot fetish, corruption, BBC, oral. You can avoid any content. At its core, it is a slow corruption story. Even if you avoid the transgender crap, you still have to endure the hideous face of one of them sometimes at the office. If you cut out the first three kinks I listed, there’s not much erotic content, yet: one decent oral scene where an office co-worker goes down on her, and the other is two good BBC scenes. Oh, and one cuck scene that also has some BBC. I’m dreading that it’s going to go in the direction of her becoming a loose woman, a pitfall too many VNs make.

    Female MC, clothes fit well, pretty good models, lighting could be better (MC has wrinkles on her forehead that get highlighted too much). Animations are simple and minimal. Decent amount of eroticism, so far.


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