Home » Lust Age [v0.22.0] [Keisi]

Lust Age [v0.22.0] [Keisi]

User Rating: 7.8

Welcome to Lust Age, Aspirant! Here you will find all kinds of girls who want to meet you (no kidding!). But… what is Lust Age, Keisi? I’m glad you asked me, Aspirant!
Lust Age it’s a FREE adult Dating-Sim VN with RPG and Sandbox features.

You? you are… You! You can be anything you want. Choose from different professions that will define your role in the story and boost your stats with exclusive permanent benefits.
You’re a normal guy living a normal life (boring!), you have a perverted friend (that sounds good!), but fate has something in store for you… Become the new Champion of Gold Valley, a place inhabited and ruled exclusively by women who want to meet the new Champion Aspirant… You! Earn the trust of the people and make them all fall in 

Interactive world: Explore +10 locations.
+5 main girls and +5 secondary girls.
SFX and BGM for a better experience!
Easy (No RPG, just enjoy the reading), normal, and hard mode.
Different quality of life features
 (map, journal/quest system, etc.).
Do you want to repeat an unlocked scene? Talk to your girl and ask her!
Girls with different types of attractive bodies and personalities!
 Always with a kinky side (you are in LUST age)!
+ 70 achievements (each achievement is rewarded with an exclusive image!).
+ 15000 renders (scenes, poses, backgrounds, etc.).
+ 700 animated scenes (lewd scenes, girls’ introductions, poses, etc.).
Different RPG features!

Download for Windows/ Linux

Download for Windows/ Linux - First Anniversary

Download for Windows/ Linux - Second Anniversary

Download for Mac

Download for Mac - First Anniversary

Download for Mac - Second Anniversary

Download for Android

Download for Android - First Anniversary

Download for Android - Second Anniversary

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
Story - 8.1
Visual - 8
Engagement - 7.7
Core Loop - 7.3

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