Home » The College [v0.64.0] [Deva Games]

The College [v0.64.0] [Deva Games]

User Rating: 3.1

After a bad disappointment received by his father, the protagonist of “the college” is forced to attend the Baskerville college, a women’s university for extremely wealthy people. MC is forced to register due to the authority of his mother: principal of Baskerville college.
Secrets, blackmail, harassment, betrayals, but also precious friendships and sincere feelings will be at the center of “the college”.
MC will not only have to survive the hostility of the girls, but will eventually be forced to dominate them and become the new leader of the entire college.​

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Walkthrough

1-7: Subject classes.
8-139: Use the attached PDF file with the official walkthrough.

Spoiler: 140) Equipment
Your room, Notebook – Buy: Monitor

Spoiler: 141) Deep Contact
Wednesday, 22:00: Your room, Notebook – Write to Elodie

Spoiler: 142) Punishment 5
Wednesday, 22:00: Your room, Notebook – Write to Elodie
Right -> Right
Next day, 14:00: Principal’s office
!!!! NOTE, do before #143 !!!

Spoiler: 143) Fatal Curiosity
Wednesday, 22:00: Your room, Notebook – Write to Elodie
Straight -> Right

Spoiler: 144) Under pressure
Thursday, 16:00: Courtyard

Spoiler: 145) Kiss Amelie
Monday, 20:00: Dormitory – Kiss Amelie

Spoiler: 146) Land Invasion
Together with #145

Spoiler: 147) Amelie kiss you
Wednesday, 22:00: Your room, Notebook – Write to Elodie

Spoiler: 148) Keep hitting
Together with #147

Spoiler: 149) Breakpoint
Thursday, 16:00: Courtyard

Spoiler: 150) ♥ Amelie ♥
Thursday, 18:00: Dormitory

Spoiler: 151) ♥ Elodie ♥
Thursday, 22:00: Old Bathrooms

Spoiler: 152) New trouble
Your room, Notebook
Friday, 22:00: Old Bathrooms

Spoiler: 153) Rush
Saturday, 10:00: Your room

Spoiler: 154) Nescessary supplay
Your room, Notebook – Buy: Voice recorder

Spoiler: 155) The fall
Thursday, 16:00: Dormitory

Spoiler: 156) The Name
Monday, 18:00: Your room

Spoiler: 157) An unexpected help
Monday, 16:00: Library

Spoiler: 158) Sins in the shadows
Monday, 22:00: Library

Spoiler: 159) Misstep?!?
Monday, 22:00: Library

Spoiler: 160) Enveloperp
Together with #159

Spoiler: 161) Get to the point!
Monday-Friday, 18:00: Dormitory – Talk: About Giselle and the envelope

Spoiler: 162) Before the storm
Monday-Friday, 22:00: Dormitory

Spoiler: 163) Engagement
Saturday, 10:00: Old Bathrooms

Spoiler: 164) The Mysterious Girl
Saturday, 22:00: Library

Spoiler: 165) ♥ Giselle ♥
Monday-Friday, 22:00: Dormitory

Spoiler: 166) Interconnections
Monday, 22:00: Theatre

Story - 2.3
Visual - 4.8
Engagement - 3.1
Core Loop - 2.1

Have your say!

9 12


  1. Hurray the complete wipe of the site lets me fix my spelling of ‘similarly’!

    But yes, very mean-spirited and buggy game. There are terrible things done to the MC on the first night by the girls (you later have a discussion with the school therapist about whether it was rape since it was technically non-penetrative) and the rest of the game is grinding to get to do similarly-nasty things back to them. MC hates his mother and sister, who are both at the college, and they both hate him back, although the mother also likes to gaslight him. Basically it’s a game about everyone hating each other: the teachers hate the students who hate you, and any sex is only as part of humiliating an enemy.

    The grind involves attending the correct class on the correct day for weeks and weeks and weeks, based on a jpeg schedule you see in your room.

  2. College is where they teach you to be a homo, hate yourself if you are white and they try and make you a commie. If you graduate college without an std it is a miracle.

  3. What’s the cheat code for v0.63.0?

    –MALE RAPE (if you don’t think it’s bad, let’s see how you feel after it happens to YOU!)
    Depending on place, “oral sex” [forced] is considered rape, the term is broadly defined (again, depends on LOCATION) but can include many FORCED sexual acts

    Really, it’s almost w/o parallel for FEMALE MCs;
    Also, 1 more VN where there’s NO JUSTICE. (iT’S A WOMAN’S COLLEGE run by his sick FEMALE PERVERT abuse mother, no chance in hell of single male getting justice there. )

    Really not much good at all you can say about this POS, unless you have the self-esteem of dirt & enjoy being treated like it.

    Look elsewhere for CHEAT MODE (OMG GRIND IS INSANE!)
    Thought about link but they heavily censor

    *NOT* Recommended 4 any normal MALE [1/5*]

    • The implied irony here is delicious.


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