Home » Sword Art Online: The Trap of Breath Concealed Magic [Part 2 v0.701] [Fujino]

Sword Art Online: The Trap of Breath Concealed Magic [Part 2 v0.701] [Fujino]

User Rating: 6.9

Life is good right now; you are enjoying your days playing VRMMORPG with your girlfriend and going to dates with her. One day, however, you met Inoda, the owner of the rare “Stealth Veil” skill that has the massive drawback of heavily weakening his character in the VRMMORPG you are playing.

You and your girlfriend decided to help him out, but that decision would soon turn sour as Inoda slowly encroaches into your daily life…​

Download for Windows/ Linux - Part 1

Download for Windows/ Linux - Part 2

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Gallery Mod

Here you go
-Part 1 Rec. Room Mod [Update 8]
-Added – Old Titles screen animation x2

Spoiler: Those two

Make a backup of “\www\js\plugins.js” before trying or the whole game will not work

In www -> img -> “titles1” folder
Copy 标题1 (1) to 标题1 (82) and 标题2 (1) to 标题2 (116)
Paste them in this folder “Special__actionSeq”

You need to do this before this step

Replace .json files in www -> data folder
Replace plugins.js in www -> js folder
You can use savefile 20 or watch an event to update the map

Don’t take the wrong version either

Story - 6.9
Visual - 7
Engagement - 6.8
Core Loop - 6.9

Have your say!

6 6


  1. Part 2 [V.701] found a bug, updated to [V.702] just updated.

  2. Another WOKE RTARD plot
    TOKEN BEST FRIEND FOREVER unavoidable because black sissy lives matter.
    Spice spice rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



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