Home » Straitened Times [v0.58.1] [HRelease]

Straitened Times [v0.58.1] [HRelease]

User Rating: 7.5

It’s a game about a young guy living together with a small Commune of Mother superior, holy Father and two novice Sisters (none blood related ;)). One day his happy life was over when Father was arrested for financial thievery and your Commune has to start once over from the bottom. And the bottom is 2 rooms in a shady motel – the only place they could afford.
Now our protagonist has become the man of the Commune and it’s only for you to decide what kind of life he’ll be living from now on. Minding that now he has to share a room or a bed with one of the women.​

Download for Windows/ Linux

Download for Windows/ Linux - Compressed

Download for Mac

Download for Mac - Compressed

Download for Android

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Walkthrough

Download Incest Patch

Content Changed

Enables incest.

Patch Instructions

Windows/PC: Copy xyz.rpyc into your “game” folder.

Android users: Navigate to Android/data/xyz/files, create a new folder named “game” and copy the xyz.rpyc in this folder.

Mac: Right click your  xyz app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Move xyz.rpyc into your “Contents/Resources/autorun/game” folder

Note: This patch will work for all future versions as well. Just copy the file for each new game version. It will always stay the same file.

Download Save File

The Ren’Py engine stores save games and persistent data under a separate folder. It’s exact location depends on the host operating system.


This is usually:

C:\Documents and Settings\YOURNAME\Application Data\RenPy\game_directory
Where YOURNAME is your username.

Mac OS X:


Android :

android/data/ or here: SD:/Android/data/com.{gamename}.program/files/saves/.



Download Gallery Mod

Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.

Story - 7.7
Visual - 8.1
Engagement - 7.1
Core Loop - 7.1

Have your say!

100 7


  1. Update for android

    • Aggiorna Estrada

      • Have you forgotten to put the updated version of 0.58.1 or what? How many more days you are going to take?

    • Update 58.1 android

  2. Update to latest build for Android in estarda port

    • Faz uma atualização pro Android

  3. haha ! comnents section has been nuked with new website design

    • And nothing of value was lost.

  4. Android update

  5. Ooooooo

  6. so will there be more content ?


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