Home » Resort of Temptation [v0.0.6] [Inceton games NTR]

Resort of Temptation [v0.0.6] [Inceton games NTR]

User Rating: 6.5

The new NTR game, “Resort of Temptation”, is here to make that vision a reality!
Join your favorite characters as they’re invited to celebrate the grand opening of a luxurious V Resort.
You’ll step into the shoes of the protagonists from “Lust Theory”, “Returning to Mia”, “ShackBang”, and “Passion on Display”.
Additionally, the female casts from Inside Jennifer and Limits of Sky will return as side characters,
ready for you to have fun with!​

Bonus code is “beach” 

Download for Windows/ Linux - Uncracked

Download for Mac - Uncracked

Download for Android

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Crack

Crack + bonus activation for v.0.0.6. To install, copy the content of the patch folder (/game and /renpy) to the root folder of Resort_Of_Temptation, and overwrite files.

Download Mod

Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.

Unzip the mod -> Right click being a dik -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Open the “Contents/Resources/autorun” folder -> Hold the Option key and drag the folder named “game” from the mod into the “autorun” folder -> Click merge

Story - 6.8
Visual - 7.1
Engagement - 6
Core Loop - 5.9

Have your say!

21 28


  1. i hate this new interface

    • I agree with you. These design is ugly.

    • Insects dude! Welcome back!

    • Legit so fucking bad

    • Real so fucking bad holy shit

    • are you talking about the interface or the website interface?

  2. This is one of the worst game ideas there is, you get tired only from naming the characters, because they assume you played all of their games. I didn’t because half of them are shit, deleted this right away.

  3. Game is trash NTR with stolen models from other games, don’t waste your time.

    • It’s not stealing if you steal from yourself

    • they are not stolen you dumb fuck there models and assets anyone can use

  4. not working, asks to subscription patreon, WTF

  5. INCE(L)TON MC. Forced gay fetish with another INCE(L)tons.

    Thats it.

    Nohing in male MC straight path. To “homophobic” players not interesed in “woke sissies lives matter” path.


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