Home » Deep Vault 69 [v0.4.9] [bohohon]

Deep Vault 69 [v0.4.9] [bohohon]

User Rating: 7.5

v0.49: The saves will have to run in subsequent versions. (For example, saving 0.4.9 will have to work in 0.5.0, etc.)
Earlier saves are not supported due to different quest logic..

Download for Windows/ Linux

Download for Windows/ Linux - Compressed v0.4.7

Download for Mac

Download for Mac - Compressed v0.4.7

Download for Android

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

View Walkthrough

__**Main quest:**__
1. Initial character creation.
2. Find Harry.
3. Visit Old Man Gibson.
4. Find out the exam results.
5. Talk to Miss Go.
6. Visit the overseer.
7. Visit the security point.
8. Visit Old Man Gibson.
9. Visit the security point.
10. You don’t have to get dressed, but you can.
11. Use the door console.
12. Try to defeat a terrible opponent.
13. Visit the Shower.
14. Go to sleep in your room.
15. Visit the security point.
16. You don’t have to get dressed, but you can.
17. Try to defeat a terrible opponent.
18. Radroach is invincible so far.
***[End for build 0.1.6_alpha] [End for build 0.1.0_fix]***

1. Ask Susie to train you.
2. Go to work.
3. Sleep after work.
***[End for build 0.1.0_fix]***
4. Ask Susie to train you. Again.
5. Go to training.
***[End for build 0.1.6_alpha]***

1. Take a look around in the cafe.
2. Talk to Becky.
3. Visit the toilet (at night).
4. Go to the toilet stall (at night).
5. Visit the cafe.
6. Sneak into the school (at night).
7. Find the answers to the exam at school (at night).
8. Meet Becky in the toilet (at night).
9. Visit the cafe.
10. Meet Becky in the toilet (at night).
***[End for build 0.1.6_alpha]***

1. Talk to Libi.
2. Visit Libi later.
3. Help Libi with the boxes.
4. Help Libi with the cleaning (at night).
***[End for build 0.1.6_alpha]***

Download Cheat Code

Story - 7.2
Visual - 7.7
Engagement - 7.5
Core Loop - 7.6

Have your say!

7 5


  1. Are you seeing it yet? They are trying to make you gay.

  2. >dark eyes

    • >hot


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