Beatrice Hawthorne is at her wit’s end! Her daughter, Charlotte, has blossomed into a beautiful young lady, but the hormones that make her a woman also make her a horny monster! In a devout Christian household, there’s a line of acceptability that Charlie crossed a long time ago!
Beatrice wants to get this devil out of her daughter. However, under pressure from her husband, Beatrice is going to have to try science before God. So, she’s agreed to chaperone Charlie to the S.H.E. Institute to see if Dr. Vanessa sex clinic can help.
Sit in the session with the Hawthornes, confess, and find out just how godless Charlie has been…
1- Extract and run.
Developer: Dumb Koala
Censored: No
Version: Final
Language: English
Genre: 3DCG, Animated, Lesbian, Incest, Female Protagonist, Vaginal Sex, Loli, Group Sex, Masturbation, Sex Toys, Handjob, Voyeurism, Mobile Game, Kinetic Novel, Milf, Dilf, Teasing
- 292 renders
- 86 animations
- 7 bonus images
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- swipe down to hide the ui
- swipe left to roll back
- swipe right to start skipping of text
- swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
- swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
- longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot
Family Chemistry is another visual novel typical of Dumb Koala, short and sweet just like my reviews. The characters are the same style of models that Dumb Koala usually exhibits: slender, freckled, small-breasted lolis. Even the mother and therapist look barely old enough to drive. If one did not figure it out by the title, (SPOILER) the plot is about chemistry between family members. The storyline is lame, cheesy, and cliché, as one would expect from a short AVN with no choices. Still, it would be worth it if it did not suddenly end abruptly without any closure.
The biggest problem I have with Dumb Koala’s work is that there is no variation with her creations or stories. (She claims to be a female, but I have no experience with real live women.) On the plus side, there is no grind, so if what you are looking for is quick arousal with young, taboo-laced models, you might give this one a stroke. If there is ever a part two to this tale, I will give it a try as well.
DK luver
I downloaded this before I saw your comments. Played it and you were spot on. Not bad but quick and when it got good it stopped. Good review though
good review, need more of the same
I see Dumb Koala – I upvote. Though in this particular story girls appear to be grown up. Hope she is not bending before moral police.
Wow, shitmuffin, you didn’t even try to read the description did you. Before you worry about the moral police you should worry about stepping into traffic.
This New Design of Dikgames is so confusing why can’t we choose to use the old one it was much better please change this
Straight Man
Yeah man.This is worst!! I can’t find a single game in “search”
Skill issue.
TY for great review
Nice, good job. told it like it is
Get back the old website
Lesbian game