Home » Nymphomania: Fantasy Town [v1.1] [Unifox Game Studio]

Nymphomania: Fantasy Town [v1.1] [Unifox Game Studio]

User Rating: 5.2

Immerse yourself in a medieval fantasy world brimming with lascivious intrigue. As a deity, your unique challenge is to construct and oversee a flourishing village.

With your divine prowess, you can beckon women, some of whom might remind you of familiar faces from other worlds, to inhabit and contribute to your town.​

Download for Windows

Download for Mac

Download for Linux

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Public to Patreon Patch


  • Upgrades your public version to max tier patreon
  • Should work with upcoming versions


  • Unpack into game folder (where .exe file is located)
  • Run the game.


I provide convenient installation only for windows x64 bit, but since most of my patches are BepInEx plugins nowadays, you can install it on other OS:

Supported Operating Systems
  • Windows 7, 8, 8.1, and 10 (both x86 and x64 are supported)
  • Linux distros with GCC 10 or newer, preferably GNU/Linux distro (x86_64 and x86 archs are supported)
  • macOS 10.13 High Sierra or newer

How to Install
  • Determine your OS and Game’s scripting backend (il2cpp / mono)
    • if the patch is attached to F95 attachments -> It’s mono
    • if the patch is uploaded to GOFILE -> it’s il2cpp
  • Download BepInEx for your OS and Scripting backend
  • Unpack downloaded BepInEx contents into game folder
    • Windows: where .exe file is located
    • Linux: where the executable <Game>.x86 or <Game>.x86_64 is located
    • Mac: where the game <Game>.app is located
  • Run the game once so BepInEx creates necessary files and folders
  • Open BepInEx/plugins folder and copy contents of the same folder from the patch, provided in this post, there
  • Done!
  • Read the instructions
    • Unpack into game folder means that you copy all the files from the archive and place all of them into the folder where .exe of the game is located. It will not replace any files

  • Turn off Bitdefender
    • Bitdefender and Bitdefender only is preventing patch from doing what it’s supposed to do, without any notifications or alerts. Can’t provide clear instructions on resolution, so just figure something out

  • Check game version and update date
    • I test all of my patches on latest version provided on F95. If you got your game from somewhere else – download it from here
    • I design patches the way that they’re supposed to work fine with any new update, however sometimes developers may try to break the patch for their games, rarely unintentionally. Check when was the last time download links were updated. In case it was not long time ago, there is a chance new update made patch incompatible, report that

  • Do some easy stuff to eliminate good portion of possible causes
    • Run the game as Administrator
    • Make sure path to your game does not contain weird characters, stick with [A-z, 0-9]
    • Make sure path to your game is not insanely long

  • Install .NET Runtime if you haven’t yet
    • You can download and install Microsoft .NETYou will need x64 .NET Desktop Runtime, version 6.0
      But it should’ve been already installed when you installed literally any game from steam or somewhere else, it’s basic redistributable package

  • [ONLY FOR IL2CPP] You’re required to have Internet Connection on the first run
    • In case the patch is il2cpp plugin (in this case it will be uploaded to GOFILE instead of F95 attachments)you will be required to have internet connection available on the first run of the game and game’s executable must not be blocked in firewall


Please leave a like on this post to support my works. This will help me continue to create useful cracks and patches for the community. Thank you!​

Download Mod

Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.

Unzip the mod -> Right click being a dik -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Open the “Contents/Resources/autorun” folder -> Hold the Option key and drag the folder named “game” from the mod into the “autorun” folder -> Click merge

Story - 6
Visual - 7.1
Engagement - 4.4
Core Loop - 3.2

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1 Comment

  1. A prolapsed anus is how you know you’re wrong.


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