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Swords and Submission [v1.01] [Taco]

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Editor's Rating

Story - The story of Swords and Submission takes players on an adventurous journey into a fantasy world filled with both excitement and disappointment. At first glance, the game appears to follow an interesting plotline, but as you progress, you'll realize that it falls short of delivering a compelling narrative. A particular issue that may not resonate well with everyone: the inclusion of frequent domination scenes. - 55%
Visual - Swords and Submission delivers visually with its fantasy-themed visuals. The game features detailed character designs, well-crafted environments, and atmospheric effects that create an immersive experience. The visual quality is commendable and enhances the overall aesthetic appeal of the game. - 77%
Engagement - When it comes to engagement, Swords and Submission presents a mixed bag. The weak and somewhat silly story may not captivate players seeking a deep and intricate narrative. However, the domination scenes, which seem to be a significant aspect of the game, are praised by some for their explicit content and appeal. - 60%
Core Loop - The core loop in Swords and Submission revolves around progressing through the fantasy world, engaging in various domination scenes, and uncovering the secrets within the story. While this loop provides a clear objective, the repetitive nature of the domination scenes,might become tiresome over time. The lack of variety in character interactions is also a missed opportunity for expanding the core loop. - 65%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 1.38 ( 38 votes)

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  1. I’m not into games with female domination. A woman dominating a man is very unnatural to me. Then again, there’s nothing natural about these pornographic games here either and after everything I’ve played so far, I thought I may as well give this a go too. For science, you know.

    I probably won’t play another game like this, but I enjoyed it for what it was. It’s kind of arousing to have a female piss and fart in your mouth. I never had someone fart in my mouth in real life and I think it’s an experience I can live without. Sniffing it up is bad enough, lol.

    Even though the game doesn’t have [FINAL] behind its title, I do think it’s finished. I mean, I was able to get two different endings, so that kind of tells me that it is.

  2. There is always someone pimping and simping for LGBT, it’s everywhere and on everything.  In kid’s cartoons, on candy wrappers, completely ruined a brand of beer, the list goes on.  They have even faggotized game shows with stupid made up pronouns.  Everything LGBT touches literally turns to shit in their clutch.

    LGBT are notorious for spreading venereal diseases, high rates of suicide, pedophilia, and for dying on the operating table during sex reassignment surgery.  What swell role models you dumbasses have chosen.

    But that’s apparently what people want, because their rainbow decorated TV tells them it’s cool, and they aren’t mentally or intellectually equipped to make any decision for themself.  They need to gain other’s acceptance, and LGBT trash is part of the current thing.  So, let us know how that works out.  Actually, don’t.  Because nobody cares.

    1. Okay, Nobody, keep going on at length about how you “don’t care”. Because that’s sure what it looks like. *snrk* That you don’t *gngh* care…hahaha, no, sorry, couldn’t keep it in.

      (Thank you for the setup, edgelord. Here’s your bottle, time to get you back into your crib!)

    2. I laughed so hard reading this garbage especially this part (mentally or intellectually equipped to make any decision for themselves) because YOU and that Mrhomo faggot believe everything that is thrown in front of you regarding this stuff, then you come cry on here and try to convince people but guess what nobody cares.

      1. When you chop off your genitals just because you think it is “being you”, because you think it gains you acceptance, or crossdress in a clown suit, you lack any capacity to make rational decisions.

        I’m glad you find it amusing because frankly speaking so do I. Actually, I find some of the bullshittery LGBT pimps to be flat out comedy gold; xim/xir pronouns, tampons in men bathrooms, pregnant men, fisherthems, I could go on and on with the mental retardation that comes from LGBT. What’s even more retarded is drones like you have been programmed to see it as being completely normal behavior.

        1. Hold my beer…

          When you go around pretending to be edgy because you think it is “being you”, because you think it gains you acceptance, or have a logo with words made out of ***lightning bolts***, you lack any capacity to make rational decisions.

          I’m glad you find it amusing because frankly speaking so do I. Actually, I find some of the bullshittery Straight Pride pimps to be flat out comedy gold; bitch/cunt pronouns, being afraid of tampons, men too afraid to be dads, fisherthems…okay that one’s silly but so is blaming LGBT as a whole on that one. What’s even more retarded is drones like RanCor have been programmed to see it as being completely normal behavior.

          …Yup. That’s about as sensible. Now give me my beer back.

          What do you mean “you drank it”?!

    3. Being “programmed” is completely right. You had programming coming out of California in the 20’s. Mainly due to the weather and sunshine. It made it easier to film. Goes back even further really. Acting always attracted a certain type of person. Traveling shows which make it hard to have a family. They were typically filled with whores and hiomos. Due to this. Your best actors also tend to be the fakest people. Typically mental defectives.

      Anyway the weirdos centered around California. Many also came for the prosperity and of course san fran sicko the center of the world for fags. So these people controlled television and movies. Reaching into everyone’s homes and slowly corrupted them.

      With ww2 you had the start of computer tech in California. As part of the defense industry. Eventually you go to social media and internet centered around san fran. There is a lot of talk as to why this happened and that it was artificially placed in that area and subsidized on purpose. Finally with the explosion of social media and internet around san fran by 2010 you see the massive grooming and brainwashing begin. Which leads us to toady with the globohomo cultists and useful idiots. Totally taken in by the grooming. Things like censorship used to create the illusion that gay is ok.

      Personally I’m waiting for California to fall into the ocean as was promised to do the world a favor.

  3. Literally an abomination. A green midget with tits and a dick? I bet the morons of the rainbow cult love that shit. Just need to put it in a wheelchair and this would be the game of the year.

    For once I won’t call this a groomer game. If you play this after seeing the thumbnail you are straight up a deranged faggot. Right from the start.

    1. Well thank god you’ve given us a break from your tired lies and are just giving is a straight-up opinion piece like a normal person.

      Thank you for making it easy for me.

      Happy Ramadan!

  4. Poland must win. Ukraine must win. Lithuania must win. Russia must lose. Israel must win. Middle East must lose. Taiwan must win. Philippines must win. China must lose. Democrats must win. Republicans must lose. Justice shall prevail. Yay.

        1. Don’t pay attention to nohomo/Straight Pride/Truth, Anonymous. His daily incel talking points made him say that.

          What he meant to say was, “Me too, buddy. Me too.”

          1. Actually, I posted those comments anonymously just to see if you’d take the bait and comment thinking it was No Homo, who apparently lives in your head 24/7.

            And you did. 😂

            What a dumbass.

            1. Hah. No, you got me. I never expected you to have that level of creativity.

              Wait, no, shit, I’m sorry, I admitted that I was human. I didn’t mean to groom anyone that imperfection is not a sin! WE ALL KNOW YOU’RE WITHOUT FLAW, EDGEBABY! DON’T BE CREATIVE EVER AGAIN AND I PROMISE TO LICK YOUR FEET FOR BEING ALWAYS PERFECT!

              Heh. Dumbass.

            2. He’s going through a personal struggle. The things I have been saying he knows are truth. So he’s denying them so hard because he is running from himself. It’s the kind of thing you see in those who are severally brainwashed. When you try and bring them back to reality. So it’s not really about me. It’s about him.

              1. Holy shit, #nohomo is now showing signs of false identity syndrome. It’s not that far from the clinical paranoia he suffers from just…wow. I sincerely never thought I’d watch someone follow the psychopathy so text-book.

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