
Strings of Fate [v0.6.3 EP2] [M.C Games]

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Editor's Rating

Story - In Strings of Fate, you embody the cliché dark lord, a character who oozes pretentiousness rather than genuine intrigue. The MC's constant verbosity and penchant for metaphors might impress some players, but not all, it felt contrived and laborious. The hour I spent playing yielded disappointingly little progress in the narrative. The introduction of a dedicated mercenary girl who inexplicably falls for the MC's evil charm lacked depth and believability. The dialogue attempts to create a medieval dark atmosphere but ultimately becomes tiresome, isolating the characters from meaningful action. - 61%
Visual - Strings of Fate boasts impressive visual quality, with stunningly rendered graphics that add a touch of dark fantasy to the game. The unique character models, distinct from games like The Witcher and Dragon Age, provide a fresh aesthetic. The cinematics and world-building contribute to a captivating and immersive atmosphere, creating an enticing backdrop for the player's exploration. - 82%
Engagement - On the engagement front, Strings of Fate falls short. The game suffered from black screens during pivotal moments, leaving a sense of confusion and disconnection. The lack of meaningful progression through the first hour left me questioning why I should continue investing my time. The inclusion of seemingly pointless free-roam sections that offer only one path to progress disrupts the flow of the game, adding further frustration. - 50%
Core Loop - The core loop in Strings of Fate revolves around unraveling the story and progressing through the dark fantasy world. However, the execution fails to engage players effectively. The slow burn approach, focusing more on story elements than explicit content, isn't inherently problematic. Nevertheless, the insipid developments during the initial hour of gameplay left me questioning the game's ability to deliver a compelling experience. - 72%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 2.91 ( 18 votes)

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  1. Nice game. The story is different and interesting. Sex scenes are few, but I think there will me more in Episode 2. The amount of content in the prologue of the second episode is more than what many games have in their updates.

    1. LOL I just realized this is a Lord of the rings AVN can honestly say was not expecting that, it’s not THAT bad but not great, MC is not a complete douche but also not a pussy either which is good HATE the free roam stuff in this since there is no clear idea of what your supposed to be doing other than clicking around and stumbling on what your supposed to do. other than that It’s good enough to keep me interested, models are decent enough for what they are, now the LI’s meh could be a lot better but could be worse there are scenes where you think might be a sex scene but there is not which is irritating but not enough to put me off, animations are decent enough could be a lot better maybe they will improve in later chapters/updates, music had to mute it (personally thought it was horrible). for what it is right now I’m not gonna rate it gonna wait for more content but overall it’s decent for what it is

  2. Played the first episode. Not bad, not great either. I won’t call it time waste but not one of the best works here. Some parts are good. Like story renders.
    If you gonna play, play it for the story. Haven’t played second part because it isn’t completed and I don’t like being left hanging.

    Hardly got 2 <3 scenes by being nice. Don't know if I will get more if I chose complete a$$hole path. Doubt so And you are still an a$$hole if you make nice choices. Girls are beautiful but renders seems dated. Girls look like characters from a famous video game. Girls suffer from low renders but faces and bodies are great. Story part is okay but romance makes no sense. It happens out of blue. Basically girls offer themselves out of nowhere. No meaningful buildup of romance. I would rather have hero that earns the love somehow. Makes girl fall for him. But basically girls offer it to him because he is powerful.
    Love scene were rare and happened out of blue and you don't get even choice to repeat them.

    1. instead of relying on people to tell you if it’s worth playing or not how about you download it for yourself because what’s worth it to one person might not actually mean that it is. i have downloaded many AVN’s because people said t was good and they have turned out to be piles of shit best not rely on the rating of these either

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