
Restore Her Career [v0.30] [Kalyha]

Download for Windows/ Linux

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Download for Android

  • Β 
    • swipe down to hide the ui
    • swipe left to roll back
    • swipe right to start skipping of text
    • swipe left&right to toggle the quick menu
    • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
    • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

    install the app. after a fresh install, run it once to create all the required folders. readΒ here.
    then you have to copy the assets pack to the folderΒ /RenPy/org.rhcs.the66/gameΒ on Android 11 and newer or to the folderΒ /Android/data/org.rhcs.the66/files/game.

    from now on my Android ports of Ren’Py games have a 2nd, persistent save location like Windows. if you uninstall an app, the save files and persistent data remain intact.
    therefore the app needs the permission to access the public external storage (or a new one on Android 11Β :FacePalm:), because it has to read and write outside its own external storage directories.
    you have to grant the permission or the app is shut down.

Download Walkthrough Mod


This is a see-all-scenes Mod from a new series of Mods I’m implementing. The Mod allows you to see all the scenes online, as they appear in the script, without having to go to the gallery and without having to play it again by choosing other options. Restore Her Career is a very direct game and has no routes to open and close. Most of the decisions only affect the dialogue but some, especially in the last chapters, must be answered correctly or the scenes will not be able to be seen. This Mod bypasses these restrictions so that the player can see all the scenes as the game unfolds.


Just unzip files in the Game folder of your Restore Her Career installation. Rewrite when asked.

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Editor's Rating

Story - 80%
Visual - 86%
Engagement - 78%
Core Loop - 75%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.91 ( 89 votes)

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  1. This game is great for teaching the right way to treat a woman. They love to be dominated. The only thing missing in game is you need to smack them around a bit.

    1. Sorry I don’t speak garbage languages.

      Actually, I barely speek any coherent English because I usually have a mouth full of dicks or gay pubic hairs.

  2. This has my favorite interaction in any AVN where if you choose not to peep at your mother in one instance you get a forced rollback and the dev asks you, “If you’re not interested in this content, why are you playing this game?” To which my response was, “Good point, Mr. Dev,” and I stopped playing. That question could apply to a bunch of AVNs where it’s not as explicitly stated.

  3. Save your time and storage, this shit is not even animated, not satisfied with that, the MC is unbearable to read and there are really no decisions, they are practically for decoration and the story is pure blackmail and forced, it is really not worth reading it or for the story nor for the MC…

    If you are going to make an AVN focused on perversion at least make the lewd scenes good and animated, I mean since you are going to have so much free time since you write the story with your feets

      1. ur not supposed to treat women with fucking disrespect u fucking retarted ass mother fucker treating women like a fucking human being and not a fucking sex slave is not being a simp u dumb ass nigga

  4. Please provide other link options for Android, Mega has a limit and it is not possible to download the entire game

      1. Why my uncle’s name is Mohammad……and he is a perverted ass mf ……he fucked his wife when i was in room few years back i have a video recording

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