
Bright Past [v0.99.1] [Kosmos Games]

Download for Windows

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Download for Android - 0.98.9

  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Update Only - 0.99.1

Download Rollback Mod

Unzip the mod and put the folder named “game” from the mod in your Main Game folder and replace if asked.

Download Cheat Mod

Copy the cheats.rpy into your “game” folder, start game.

Max lust: shift+f5
Hunger: shift+f6
Add money: shift+f7
Remove smell: shift+f8

# These might break stuff, all increments are 1 #
Increase natural beauty: shift+f9
Increase courage: shift+f10
Increase rhetoric: shift+f11

Obviously you can just run the console commands yourself without using the file but I like having hotkeys.

Download Save

Directory for my save (windows):
C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\RenPy\BF-1490368329\


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Editor's Rating

Story - 81%
Visual - 86%
Engagement - 85%
Core Loop - 84%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.88 ( 92 votes)

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  1. anyone having problems when having to practice in the studio? got the quest “keep practicing with Falsetto” but nothing happens when I talk to him

  2. Anyone know console commands, the only one I know that works is money = (amount of money you want). If anynone knows more, reply to me so we can save others, time.

  3. This one lost my interest a LONG time ago; when it had the option to have M/F sex (that could get the MC pregnant) and then the next update there’s a post says no. We’re not going to do that.

    It’s fine if you have a story you want to tell… but leaving the MC’s orientation OPEN allows for more players to want to play. There are plenty of female rockers who do indulge in the Sex, Drugs & Rock and Roll lifestyle. Some with men. Some with women, and plenty with both. There’s NO real reason to deny the more common romance path – or actual consequences therein. Just because it what, doesn’t suit your politics? Is it going to suit your bank account, when you likely won’t pull in as many subscribers for your work because you insist on creating an even more niche thing, inside of an already highly niche subset of this industry.

    The main character’s journey died for me, the moment you decided I didn’t get to choose who the avatar was going to be with. It’s just Girls, Girls… Girls. Which again, you do you. I’ll not waste my time trying to grind for content that frankly doesn’t appeal to me. Because you’d rather deny the type that does. Which is infinitely more common, and honestly makes the game that much more approachable for a general audience. It could be the best Visual Novel ever written, and I’ll never get to read it. Because you’d rather go a different route with MC’s love life than is at all the most likely to be found. Even if you’re more “open-minded.” I’d say hat’s off for the attempt, but frankly it reeks of social politics. I’d much rather be able to GET OFF to this kind of thing if I’m going to waste the bandwidth to download it. Really, at the end of the day I’d call it stubbornness. Because the mechanics in one build were already applied, and wouldn’t be that hard to renew. Even if only to make the story that much more accessible; and ACTUALLY open of mind. I’m not even saying remove all the gay influence. That can be there too, but you really shouldn’t have removed the player’s choice to make MC straight. Bi Curious, openly bisexual in full, or a true lesbian.

    1. I totally agree with you. If I like something and can’t get it or dislike another that is present, it can ruin a prefect match for me real fast, no matter how hot of a face and ass it belongs to.
      Same goes both ways, so if my face it’s a turn of for you, you can stop looking at it or pointing to it. Don’t be mean if anyone does not rock your world with you. We have different taste and it’s fine with me. And I am pro choice of individual. and it’s easy to just use some renders that did not have smoking unless you get paid by Tabaco and Pharma industry to promote cancer and disease as no out option. You do you, I am staying away and won’t look. Thanks for pointing this out Box.

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