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Blurred Lines [v0.3f] [studio009]

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Editor's Rating

Story - Blurred Lines presents an intriguing premise about a CIA agent's dual life and desires within his household. However, the execution falls short of expectations. The story lacks depth and fails to engage players effectively. The writing feels lazy and uninspired, with poor character development and a lack of meaningful storytelling. The abrupt jumps in character interactions and the absence of a compelling buildup contribute to a disjointed narrative. - 40%
Visual - While Blurred Lines utilizes character models inspired by porn stars, the art does manage to capture attention. The visuals are a mixed bag, with strengths and weaknesses. The character models themselves are well-designed and visually appealing, bringing a certain level of attractiveness to the game. However, the inconsistency in art quality during sex scenes is a noticeable drawback. The animations, while not spectacular, serve their purpose without being particularly eye-catching. Ultimately, the visuals are one of the game's stronger aspects, but they could benefit from further refinement and consistency. - 76%
Engagement - Blurred Lines struggles to keep players fully engaged throughout their playthrough. Although the sex scenes are passable, they lack variety and fail to deliver a truly immersive experience. The core loop of the game lacks complexity and feels repetitive. While it may serve as a quick source of arousal, it fails to offer much beyond that. The lackluster storytelling, subpar writing, and limited character development hinder the game's ability to captivate and hold the player's interest. Blurred Lines falls short when it comes to providing a truly engaging and satisfying gaming experience. - 55%
Core Loop - The core loop of Blurred Lines is repetitive and lacks depth. The game revolves around the protagonist's mundane daily routine, his interactions with friends, and his desire to corrupt his teenage stepdaughter. Unfortunately, the execution of this core loop fails to offer meaningful progression or variety. It relies on repetitive interactions and simplistic decision-making, resulting in a lackluster experience. The potential for a more engaging and dynamic gameplay loop is present but not fully realized in this iteration. - 50%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 2.69 ( 28 votes)

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  1. Get errors, and have to quit after it refers to me seeing someone’s nipples at the store that I never went to, this is the day when you went to the dock in the morning.

    1. To be expected from a developer that admits that they “had no programing background and I was learning coding as I developed each release”

      1. Because people like you are retard, you don’t need programming background to make renpy games, renpy development kit is easy and all in one and ask chatgpt or something similiar if you have trouble just copy and paste your script and let ai correct your mistake and ask ai if you don’t understand something, like how to create blah blah blah, renpy showing error blah blah blah. i made 10 renpy games so far i will release soon, just need to hire the damn good illustrator. My games is all about cucking and ntr, just to rofl at you guys.

        1. I am also working on a game, but I am also learning some digital art and animation. I don’t have funds to hire anyone to help, but I am trying for the level of fidelity from games like The Way Love Goes, and not cartoony. It’s going okay and there are plenty of guides and helpful people. Anyway, I agree, and do these fuckers test their games? It is not my PC, I have tried on 2 different computers, one AMD, one Intel and a laptop, get the same errors, I don’t get it, at least Renpy has ignore to try and get by it.

          I don’t even bother playing non renpy games.

          1. you’re retarded, there are no ren’py games, it’s only good for vn’s.
            in other words, you say you’re too stupid to play games.

            1. That’s #nohomo. He has nothing to bring to this board but typical mono-brain-celled incel world view.

              Sorry to hear that the game is ruined by bad coding. I don’t know if the coder reads here (with the amount of vapid vitriol, I wouldn’t) but hopefully they are learning.

              The one AI art game I’ve seen here was rated very highly for the art even though it was inconsistent and often didn’t fit the scene as you’d expect from your typical AI. Getting different prompts to export the same character model is hard. The writing was better than I was expecting and it was pretty to look at so I might keep following it if I remembered it was called. I don’t.

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