Home » Heaven’s Door [Ch.1 .01] [AlterWorlds]

Heaven’s Door [Ch.1 .01] [AlterWorlds]

User Rating: 9

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Mod


  • Added hints/colored text to dialogue options
  • Added the two lapdances to the gallery
  • The gallery uses your name instead of default

Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.

Unzip the mod -> Right click being a dik -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Open the “Contents/Resources/autorun” folder -> Hold the Option key and drag the folder named “game” from the mod into the “autorun” folder -> Click merge

Story - 8.9
Visual - 9.2
Engagement - 9
Core Loop - 8.8

Have your say!

77 12


  1. Hello sir. It’s a nice game. But cancer seriously. Can you please start from change the story

    • No. If you don’t like it, play something else.

    • hey when i open the zip file there is not any .exe file

  2. What happened to the previous website

  3. Why this website looking like this. This is fucked up man

  4. To The Website Owner: The platform info for each game is missing on the new-look website: renpy, rpg, etc. This is important for people like me who have no mouse connected to the pc, as renpy is the only platform that does a good job of supporting keyboard-only users.
    A bonus would be if you offered an alternative colour scheme. Orange and Turquoise might be popular in India, but for non Indians, that can be a fairly disturbing choice of colours

    • do what any sane internet user does … download an extension for your browser that overrides idiotic website colours!

  5. Lose the nigger and I might play it. Not interested to be forced into screwing apes.

    And let me guess, being forced to fuck niggers comprises the majority of this trash. Why, of course it does. Who knew?

    Maybe the creator is paying off his BLM reparations for somebody slighting the entitled black man back in the 1800’s that isn’t even alive today.

    But we should all be less white and stop being racist as we head into National Nigger Day this Monday, just a couple weeks short of Nigger History Month, where everything not about a nigger is bound to be racist.

    • Wow, talk about being a whiny little racist twat. You could go out there and be the alpha white male that you seem to think you are, but noooo, instead you rage in the most pathetic way over a Black character in a porn game. I guess we both know what you really are: a little beta bitch, terrified of the real world and sobbing over inconsequential bullshit.

      So no, we will not be removing Patricia from the game. In fact, we’ll be adding more minorities as the game progresses, just to piss you off.

      On that note, sorry about your micropenis. I take it they haven’t developed a cure for that, yet?


        Oh, I like seeing this. Can we keep you?

      • Rancor nigga is humbled and cooked😂😂

      • “weee wheeny weettle waeecist wat”

        Trump just ordered DEPORTATIONS. You’re next.

      • If you want it realistic, put them in jail smoking crack.

  6. The new design and colors are not nice at all. Also, most of the content is lost. Finally, the last update date should be written under, right, left, somewhere on the contents that appear on the main page.

    Updates are meant to make existing things beautiful – not to ruin them.

  7. I don’t mind the new design of the page, it’s ugly as hell but…. where all the games go? are they gone? the search bar is trash

  8. The game is good. I love the plot and the design of the game it’s look amazing can you suggest some more games like this and for the site manager the new design of the site is good but i think many information are missing. It will take time to adjust to this new version for the viewers.

  9. Okay Dev: Harem. Harem is in your freaking tags. Do you know what that means? It SHOULD mean that ALL girls the player might choose to pursue that you as the game’s designer WANT the player to invest in, should be AVAILABLE.

    Guess what isn’t? A LESBIAN. Jesus, I wish you bright bulbs would stop doing that.

    – Sapphire & Ruby SHOULD. BOTH. BE. ATTAINABLE. In the course of this game = otherwise it is NOT a HAREM!
    I don’t care if you break their relationship and make MC fix them both by being their bridge, or their individual man but you already have a hard sell as a Harem Lead that has no defined past; skill set or JOB. With seemingly who gives a fuck levels of cash. A potential alcohol problem as a pill popper himself. What. The. Fuck. Are you going for here? A harem in a game with strippers. Where Almost ALL of the girls are strippers… Fuck me sideways.
    [Sapphire also does NOT need to be Femdom. She can play the tough assed boss bitch with EVERYONE else; you need to find a way to make her NOT do that with the Harem Leader – Lesbian was already a hard enough sell, Bi is always the better option, and just as “inclusive” to their community]

    – Ruby just straight up needs to be clean as soon as possible. That’s not an attractive, or healthy trait and should not be lauded, or glorified.

    – Nova didn’t need an 8 year old daughter; but at least at 35 she’s still young enoug that PREGNANCY content should still be an option. [The draw in that is MAKING THEM THAT WAY – Most guys his age with his supposed resources are NOT looking to date a single mother. Bloody hell]

    – Mika is a shit disturber who NEEDS to be a virgin. A gymnast DOES NOT have a body that flabby. She’s not nearly defined enough in musculature. Fawn is just added drama for no reason = and don’t make the damned characters speak a language you yourself can’t properly type or speak. It just makes your job harder for fuck sakes. She can be said to be creole, and if we know the accent, fair enough. We’ll probably take it she sounds that way, if we don’t know it, why the hell are you bothering? It ain’t gonna help.

    – Kitten, if she seriously wants to be a stripper needs to lose a LOT of weight. Curvacious is one thing; Chunky isn’t going to win her a fanbase, and her job is TIP DEPENDANT. She’s also not going to keep it very long if as a “dancer” she’s that fucking accident prone. Even a Newb would have better proper experience, or physical ability not to hurt herself that way, if she’d gotten to the level of “professionally paid.” You do know they have classes for that sort of thing now, right?

    At least the guy doesn’t look exactly like every other douche dude bro. But seriously; I took martial arts and then I quit because I was afraid I was training to HURT SOMEBODY??? Have you never actually taken a martial arts class yourself? The first thing ANY of them will teach you is that it IS a dangerous skillset and it’s NOT meant to let you just beat the shit out of whoever you want. It’s for SELF. DEFENSE. Full stop. I went to Eygpt with my Daddy, just to sound like I’m well traveled. (We’ll get to Mika using words I guarantee 99% of your audience will have to look up – just to prove you have a large… vocabulary bud) You need to decide what the hell you actually want to do with this protagonist. Because jobless man of mystery isn’t exactly a honey trap. This is a Harem. His family better be loaded to the gills with him the final living member if you want to pull the bullshit you’ve thus far written. * Amendment, it does sort of seem like you might be setting him up to “guard the gates” so to speak. Not a bad start, but the end game should probably be Mike’s job and owning the place. (I’d think with the current slate of strippers, happily retired – all married to him, and pregnant in varied states)

    “Pixie” also NEEDS her place in the harem. You don’t make something that attractive, and that obviously submissive, who is adorably bashful, and then say Fuck off Player; she’s off limits. There are many, many of us Dominantly minded who will outright murder you if you pull that. She needs to be the one Uber willing “breedmare.” If Pregnancy is ever going to be a tag you want to add as time goes on. [Also, please don’t make the owner her Father, with the stay away from my daughter shit. Or her uncle, or even her second cousin twice removed…]

    Darlene calling the MC Baby also needs to just not. If she was maybe a decent looking 55 instead of rendered 666, MAYbe it might be properly endearing. It just comes off incredibly jarring. Hon, would be something closer to Lousiana, or Honey Child. Child or Son, would also work. Come off less creepy. Honestly, she should be rendered near as attractive as the other girls, but older (and DEFINITELY NOT a part of the harem – that isn’t an invite to mimic Grandma’s House by the way; that’s me pointing out she’d literally scare off a good few paying customers)

    Game’s got some potential. Be careful. Write smart; know where you want to go with the tale, then stick to it. Don’t squander it.

    • Since this dipshit wants to play god with other people’s stories, let me take it apart one bit at a time.

      Bit One:
      – Lesbian: What, moron, you’ve never heard of the porn genre of lesbians getting into a guy? Then they’re not lesbians anymore but you want all your shit handed to you on a plate in the first fifteen seconds. BORING.

      Bit Two:
      – Nobody NEEDS to have an 8-year-old daughter but you know what? Nobody DOESN’T need to have an 8-year-old daughter in these stories. You know who said “variety is the spice of life”? NOT YOU.

      Bit Three:
      – When is too old for Pregnancy content? “Even at 35”? Piss off, moron.

      Bit Four:
      – Yeah, nobody should type out an accent ever. A little bit of flair now and again is okay, but the heavier the accent the more annoying it is to read. This is good overall writing advice. BUT BECAUSE YOU ARE SO SELF-CENTERED I AM HILITING THAT THIS IS AGREEING WITH YOU SO YOU DON’T GO APE-SHIT TRYING TO ARGUE YOUR OWN POINT AS IF I DISAGREED.

      Bit Five:
      – You’ve never been to a run-down strip club, have you. Or maybe you have and you think those people don’t deserve a living wage either because they’re too flabby. Get off your high horse.

      Bit Six:
      – I hope Pixie “let’s just be friends” the MC just to piss you and your concept of the Harem off. If she doesn’t want to play, she doesn’t want to play. Stop being boring.

      Bit Seven:
      – “Baby” is, to some people, the same as “Hon”. Sorry you’re this dumb and self-centered to think the author needs to change this because you misunderstand the intent.

      I don’t care if you reply to this. This is all just to help you be a better human being.

      • You’d need the genre police you fucktard. How you’re still walking around with that little sense in your head is a mystery to me. They could decapitate you and I doubt you’d even feel it. You are that brain dead.

        I’m not trying to “play god.” With anything. Offering suggestions and sharing what is mechanically flawed is not “playing god.” It’s a critique. The general premise of a DYING MC does not work for the genre, as that’s not condusive to a long term game. Which is what Harem as a GENRE is meant to be.

        Name me one woman you’ve ever heard of that was still willing to have a kid past 35. One. Dipshit. I’ll wait. I also said at least SHE’S NOT too old for it – which only proves you either went off half cocked; or you can’t be bothered to actually comprehend what you read. There are games where they have 40 – 60 year olds in a harem; REALISTICALLY you retarded son of a bitch, it’s mechanically unlikely to be possible and actually physically dangerous to her if it IS possible.

        And as far as her HAVING an 8 year old daughter = go look up the stats for the likelihood of a single mother in dating. The prospects are NOT GOOD. I don’t care that she HAS one per say; I care that it’s unnecessary in ANY fantasy context, and moreso in a Harem. Is very likely to bork future pregnancy content, because she’s already had one, and generally speaking DENTS the fucking FANTASY. He’s 3 years YOUNGER; technically in a MUC better paying job, and frankly if it weren’t for the bullshit hook of the game, would have far more chance to find a long term partner without Patricia’s baggage than Nova would WITH her baggage. How the fuck is that a hard concept for you? Hell, even DYING he’s got how many women interested in him… and Patricia’s basically got… Just Him. She would have far better options if she didn’t have a kid. (We haven’t even met the kid in game yet – so I don’t know why you’re making an issue out of this) Most people would play these games for escapism. Single parent is not really escapist.

        I am not “self centered” you overly opinionated twit. All I did was offer points as critique. They are my OPINION – and you’ve offered yours, as I’ve always said all of you have the right to. Doesn’t mean I’m not gonna call out when I disagree. You just did the same to me. And if you can’t tell that my original commentary is an opinion piece, that says more about you than it does about me. By the way, posting your reply to comments that had fuck all to do with you in the first place, marks you as the self centered one. Stone thrower, how’s that glass house doing?

        – Lesbian. Literally implies they by their very nature in orientation ARE NOT and NEVER WILL BE into a guy. Genius. The idea that one would be interested in a guy MC is a bullshit conversion therapy power fantasy, and no. I don’t want everything handed to me in five seconds. But the way it’s written with the MC’s current situation it’s going to NEED to be handed to the audience pretty damned quickly. Bisexual still counts as their community AND leaves the field open for suspension of disbelief while ALSO allowing for a female on female relationship that the MC can properly get between. Lesbian, is a brick wall that isn’t necessary.

        As far as Pixie being “just friends” when’s the last time your “friend” called you Daddy? When’s the last time your “friend” looked at you like she’s clearly Sub and wants your fucking babies? Get real. I’d tell you to try harder, but you’re such an edgelord as it stands, I’m afraid you’d cut yourself and bleed to death on me.

        I don’t have to have ever been in a strip club to know they don’t end well in most fucking real life relationships. My ONLY problem with the girls’ profession in this game is that they DO NOT suit the fucking genre. I never said they couldn’t be Strippers; I said that Strippers as the LI’s in a HAREM BASED game DO NOT work because they are obligated to indulge the fantasies of other men. This leads to possessive behavior (which is part and parcel with a harem you fucking twit) and would be far more drama than anyone needs. I’ve also never been to or wanted to go to a strip club because I don’t like the “rules for thee but not for me” bullshit. She doesn’t want to be touched = she doesn’t get to touch me. Period. I’m perfectly fine staring, without having to put my hands on, and there’s no reason she should need to touch me.

        – The point about “Baby” was jarring specifically because of the character’s rendered age. Moron. Jesus, don’t tell me you didn’t even get that far into the game, or you’re straight up just being disingenuous. Not that I think you know how to spell it.

        – If you agree that point four was good writing advice, there was no need to even bring it up. Again, it just makes you look trollish and disingenuous. I don’t understand why you went all caps there; I do mine as I have mentioned umpteen hundred times for Emphasis. Just. Emphasis. To me it’s not yelling – and I don’t care how many of you interpret it that way, since the internet has no vocal tone.

        You don’t get the right to judge about what kind of human I am. I don’t care what kind of human you are. You could kill puppies for a living, or for fun for all I know – it doesn’t matter. This site, and frankly this whole fucking comment section SHOULD pertain to the GAMES. Not anything else. But it was mostly used to shit post, and apparently it’s still going to be.

        I posted a genuine critique about the game as it stands – and offered ways in commentary it could be improved. The only thing you did was post trollish shit, because you don’t like how I went about it. Never said you or anyone else had to, and I’m quite used to it. You all know FUCK ALL about me, but you all seem so damned ready to jump down my throat – steal my user name, and post the most vile shit to make fun of me. Go ahead. Make your own day. I’m still here, just trying to actually help the devs improve their damned games and write more thoughtful; engaging and complex stories. This kind of bullshit post is exactly why I stopped responding to every gormless git that wants to take a shot at me.

        • It’s only mechanically flawed in your diseased idea of what is wrong with this game. I could spit a better critique of this game than you can in 1200 words, and none of what the words I get out would be “you’re doing this genre wrong” nor “this person cannot be a stripper” nor “this person cannot be a gymnast”.

          It certainly wouldn’t be “old non-hot women cannot call you baby”. That is so obviously a you problem that it signals to anyone with two braincells to rub together to look for other signs of your “genuine critique” is merely “I didn’t like it”.

          You can’t see beyond your own ego. I agree with you in a light-hearted and amusing way and you call it “trollish and disingenuous”. You can’t see how the original post, obviously a troll, became a discussion that you are doing everything in your power to not engage with.

          Or are you allowed to try to make salient points intermixed with insults and nobody else is? No, no, don’t answer that, we all know what the answer is by now.

        • No stated, “Name me one woman you’ve ever heard of that was still willing to have a kid past 35. One. Dipshit.”

          Her are 20 mothers over 35, most over 40.

          Jennifer Lopez
          Molly Ringwald
          Eva Mendes
          Geena Davis
          Uma Thurman
          Jennifer Connelly
          Halle Berry
          Nicole Kidman
          Mariah Carey
          Nancy Grace
          Salma Hayek
          Brooke Shields
          Stacy Ann Ferguson, better known to the world as Fergie
          Susan Sarandon
          Marcia Cross
          Penelope Cruz
          Gwen Stefani
          Naomi Watts
          Meryl Streep
          Janet Jackson became pregnant at age 50

  10. Also – if Cancer is the excuse you’re going for Dev to excuse the harem: Fuck right absolutely off.

    For many reasons, including the reminder of the last year of my real life. I have had it. I have the scar across the middle of my belly to prove it, as a constant reminder. Thank you so goddamned much. You DO NOT get to look like that if you actually have something leeching away at you. Unless it’s in the brain, and even then; he wouldn’t be looking nearly as good as you have him rendered. Chemo by itself even from the first shot has a 1 in 10,000 chance to just straight up kill you, and you’ll never know if it’s gonna be you until they hook you up to it and play Russian Roulette to save your life – and even if you get the least possible effects like I did, it’s truly not pleasant. I went from 147 to 134, to 111 pounds in about all of six months. I did not look a damned thing like this asshole before they caught it. I actually know what Diarrhea tastes like; because I didn’t know before I went into Emergency that you can actually vomit it, if there’s a bad enough blockage in your intestines. Not. Fun. Neither was the MRI. Neither was being hooked up to a tube for a week and fed liquids so I wouldn’t starve and didn’t dehydrate, but I dreamed of food porn because they wouldn’t let me eat. Nor were the constant blood tests. The surgery. I know what an Epideral feels like. Not that I wanted the memory. But none of you morons think about the mechanics when you plan this shit out, do you. You just think, what can we come up with to excuse the fact this dick wants to fuck as many females as we render? Oh, I know, lets go for the sympathy plea but having him “dying” of Cancer… Yipee! Nevermind it scared the fuck out of everyone around me. It would’ve made my sister an orphan, with no more direct blood family. Let’s nevermind the fact it’s incredibly scarring, and most who have actually had it in real life probably aren’t playing games of this sort thinking to be reminded. Let’s ignore the fact that depending on what meds they prescribe to him – Kids in the future aren’t even going to be an issue to consider. Several of them can render you sterile. So how in the fuck you think adding the pregnancy tag was a good idea, I do not know. Do you see what I mean? I’ll have to wait til next year to even know if I can have a kid, or my bloodline dies with me. You really want to add any of that to a concept that’s first – a power fantasy, and mostly meant to be light-hearted escapism

    He’s a rich, bored – Bruce Wayne-esque playboy who doesn’t realize he IS actually looking to settle down and invest in something (but ends up investing in a LOT of somethings instead…) I could handle. Cancer is NOT Escapism! There’s not a damned thing about it that is a POWER FANTASY. It’s Edgelord bullshit, from a person I’d all but guarantee has never experienced it, but wants to try to add gravitas to an already hindered storyline. (I did mention Strippers are a HARD SELL for Loyalty; which is integral to a Harem) If you have any idea what it’s like to be absolutely pissed at God for being an evil prick that Cancer simply exists – you wouldn’t bother writing this into the hook of your story. Find a way to cure it = I won’t care if it’s Houdouan, to Vampires. Fix. This. You absolute DICK. And by the way, mixing alcohol with pain pills is what killed umpteen celebrities, for a DOUBLING effect. You don’t cut it out with that crap, it’s not gonna be the “cancer” that kills this dipshit.

    Harem. Does. Not. Need. DRAMA. To. Be. Interesting! That’s not what the people who like the genre are fucking here for. Jesus!!! I gave you an honest shot, my last comment marked some flaws… but this; if that’s what this is at the end… this sinks the fucking ship mate. There is almost no logical investible way to come back from this unnecessary corner you’re writing the MC into. Bloody hell…

    • So far you’re raking lower to devs than Rancor. I can’t wait for more brown skin-tones in this game and hopefully some yellow too.

      • First Anonymous, at least I can be bothered to come up with my own user name. Which is more than you can say. Regardless of how many people steal it, without understanding or caring why I chose it.

        Second, at what point in either of my previous comments did I mention at all that I had a problem with any girl’s stated RACE? I have problems with their traits in core personality, or attachments that were unnecessary, or could cause needless drama in the story. I do not give a rat’s ass that one is Asian and more than one is Black. Hell, I hope they add a Latina if that’s not meant to be Sapphire’s slot, and besides a Hijab that I’d also call entirely unncessary, I’m not opposed to including Indian. Or First Nations. Other than the fact that again, as mentioned – how’s he going to have time to fuck them all? I do also have a problem with a Harem cast being Strippers, but that’s because Possession, and allowance of such is part of the gel in the construct. Making them effective sex workers is an unncessary storm waiting to brew up.

        Side Note: Are you aware that in spite of what you seem to be trying to accuse me of, your own comment comes off as more passively racist in phrasing. If you’re attempting to insult me, I’d say try harder; but I’m genuinely concerned you might hurt yourself.

        Last, it matters MUCH less to me that any dev would respond directly to my comment, than they might decide to take the suggestions genuinely into account. Perhaps implement the ideas, if they like them. They can feel free to use them. I point out, and yes… vociferously at times, that certain choices they’ve made actively go entirely against the known formula of the stated genre. To some, including myself, the subject matter is unwelcome. Not to mention incredibly unnecessarily will shorten the length the game can reasonably go on. They should change that part. And I’ve given options in my last comment as to how they can work around the corner they’ve unnecessarily painted themselves into mechanically in game. Since the dev has already answered they would not change that narrative crux.

        • Sorry what? Typing my name in the “Name” box is notable? Okay, “No”. You seem to imply that it’s much more intelligent to think, “Hey, they want my name? Well I won’t give it to them but I will still type something in the field.”

          It is not.

          Your idea of genre is limited, petty, and single-minded. Always has been, and as you seem disinterested in growing as a writer, it probably always will be.

          And I was making a reference to the racist penis sleeve, idiot. Not you. Your staid concepts of genre seem to go to conversation as well. I’d be sorry that you misunderstood it to be a dig at you, but your unwillingness to have more than one civil conversation a month is your own problem.

          • My idea of “genre” is exactly what the actual genre has always been. It would not matter if it was Harem, to Sci Fi, to Sword & Sandal. There is only so far you can fuck with any given formula before it stops being a set genre. That’s just plain fact. You can bend certain rules, if you can find a good loophole to excuse the bending, and come up with a viable means to suspend disbelief… but when you’re working in a set Genre; there are expectations to be upheld that no. You don’t just get the right to do away with. I’m not petty.

            I know what I like. Harem, specifically is what I like. Pregnancy content, is what I like. Anything that counters or becomes an obstacle to those two things – I don’t like. That has nothing to do with my skill as a writer = these review comments I make are not remotely my full skill as a writer. They are more for my fun, and to genuinely help Devs improve their own stories. But what do you care. You’d rather post because you think you can dunk on me. It doesn’t matter to you that I’ve written in High Fantasy, Low and mid fantasy; Sci Fi and Paranormal Romance. That I have well over 200 completed SERIES’. Yes, they’re unpublished. Do you know why? It costs about $25 k to self publish one book professionally. I could save for a decade and only have half that much on my current savings budget. But fuck me, I must be a shit writer.

            At what point was anything you wrote in that comment that you claim was not directed at me, civil? You said I was ranking lower to the devs’ note than Rancor. That’s about as civil as you got. Since the comment was posted directly below mine, and people do take shots at me – including yourself with the comment I’m responding to, so nice job being “civil” – I did naturally assume it was another troll post. And then you proved my point by actually making one. Bravo. There’s a reason that I care so little to engage this community, and you’re currently exemplifying it Buddy. Or are you gonna tell me I “misunderstood” this post too?

    • Surviving cancer does not make you the arbiter of it. Fuck off and die in any other way. Congrats for surviving the Big-C, but fuck right off telling other people they can’t use it.

  11. Here’s a few potential ways you can fix the plot’s crux to mend a few of the mechanical hardships you might not have considered:

    * The “tumor” is not cancer; it is a gland. A gland as a mutation that gives MC superpowers (the Tumor was never going to kill him) and or effectively MIGHT make him “immortal.”

    – This will be discovered through research into the metaphysical, after he survives past expected expiry date. [Superhuman powers can be whatever is needed plot device to excuse any bullshit you want to pull in combat]


    * Meet The Devil at The Cross Roads (Baron Samedi) and be given a new lease on life, through research into the occult done before the story begins. (Slightly more risky avenue – but also pays due respect to the area’s historic culture – explains why Lousianna and New Orleans were chosen without you having to justify it)

    – Secondary avenue since the setting is Loiusiana/New Orleans, and Science has failed MC. [May bind blood family in eternal Gaes, to set up a sequel if you like]

    Either idea can still fall in line with your chosen title (which I originally took for tongue in cheek about getting inside of the girls in the first place) if you really want to be so damned literal.

    Why? He’s the Harem Leader = it’s fucking ridiculous to start a Harem (where the core of the game is to BUILD relationships; and even more so to attempt to do it with Strippers, but that’s another issue entirely) within a limit of 2-5 years maximum. Wherein you also have mechanically skipped EVERY OTHER DAY of the week but Thusdays! You’re effectively giving the player 52 days x MAYBE 5 at best. To build “relationships” with already guarded, professionally required to be DISLOYAL females, in the MULTIPLES. Nevermind fucking, or breeding them. Did you really not consider that point?

    Two things you do not need to deal with in a Harem: Money issues, and Mortality. You don’t even list what this guy is a doctor of (you can actually be a Professor and still called Doctor with no medical knowledge) You also have him have a phone conversation at one point in the narrative that makes it sound like he runs a business. Or owns it. You do in fact need to clarify what the fuck this dude has in his bank account and why. Other than that players are going to call you out for bad writing, and they’re not wrong to do that.

  12. Forget what the Genre Police says, Kitten is adorable. Big and sexy and adorable. Hope to see more of her (wink wink) soon!

    • Numb Nuts; at what point did I say I have a problem with the actual character? Frankly we’ve seen fuck all from her for me to be able to KNOW her actual character thus far. Jesus. Would it kill any of you to use your damned brains?

      – I pointed out that for her “profession” she is not physically in the condition to be the same level of “draw” that the others are = which is a literal requirement of her damned job. It has not a damned thing to do with how I feel about her character. Because we don’t know anything about her as a character.

      – She’s also a clutz from what little we have seen. She’s NOT going to keep the damned job long if she keeps injuring herself. Her hip ratio is fine. Her bust ratio is fine. The mid section is like with MIKA a little too soft to actually be a stripper. Do you have ANY idea how much CORE STRENGTH you need to be able to lift and twirl the way they do? No. Her rendering does not make any fucking sense except to appeal to the body positivity movement bullshit.

      Go do a chin up. Just ONE Chin up. Then try lifting your legs doing said chin up. Then try holding it, for upwards of three minutes. Then do that for about probably an hour and a half; give or take. Considering the amount of time she’d be posed like that over her entire shift – THEN you can tell me she is fine to look the way she does as a Stripper. Jackass. If she’d been dancing even recreationally, for any great length in her life, she’d have about the same abs at least as Mika. Who still doesn’t quite suit what most gymnasts would look like in core muscles. It’s not me bashing them – it’s just the consequences of actual constant physical exercise. Fucking hell. It’s raw science. Try doing push ups for even just three days a week for an entire month, and tell me you won’t notice that you’ve started to bulk up.

      She’s fine as a character. She just needs a bit of touch up work; and more practice outside of the professional arena. You should realize strip clubs WOULD have a physical bar as standard. That’s just a fact. You don’t have to pander, or play white knight. I’m pretty sure “kitten” doesn’t actually have any fucking feelings I can hurt. You like to chubby chase, good for you. More power to you, but it doesn’t make any logical narrative sense that a girl that chunky would be hired as a stripper. Or that she would STAY that chunky if she actually kept on the job in a professional capacity.

      • Oh I’m sorry, Genre Police, in the middle of your whining about all the things you’d do differently I didn’t think anyone would be dumb enough to drop in a piece of information and expect everyone to think, “This is only here to be factual”.

        A wrong piece of information too since there are chubby chasers and big girls are delicious and desirable and if she wants to be a stripper then fuck you for saying she can’t be a successful draw.

        You literally think that to be a stripper you have to do a pull-up. Holy motherfucking shit, you really are as dumb as you seem. Not only are you staid and inflexible to the concept of a genre but staid and inflexible to the concept of a stripper.

        You ask for me to say it, so I’ll say it: She’s fine to look as she does as a stripper.

        As much as it’s fine as you to call yourself a writer.

        • No is like a terd that wont flush, He will be back.

  13. Mostly plot little sex. If that’s your thing though..

  14. I always wanted to tell:
    Glasses ain’t sexy. Stupid fucking Asian fetish. They also sniff panties and eat shit. Disgusting dirty rittle Asians. Shamefur dispray.

    • Fuck off, furry. Yiff in your own perverted scat.

  15. The version v. 01 is more of a prologue to introduce characters and build the plot. So far, somehow, we have to fathom why this rich, attractive, easy going, good guy is a loner who travels the same route every week (need or motivation?!) and seek contact in the most unlikely places: strip club and a middle-of-nowhere gas station.
    So far it appears to be a romance in the true sense where the love interests are doomed to not be together in the end. Not a very popular genre these days, given that romantic comedies are the main thing being produced.
    There’s enough room in AVNs to for romance: we just need to suspend our disbelief about the type of illness and what effect it should have; should he even be allowed to drive!?


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