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Hardenville [v0.2.2] [JoyFI Games]

Cheat Codes:

• adblocker: This cheat code enables a toggle in the settings to enable or disable links to SubscriberStar, Patreon, Discord, Steam, and
• ilikeitpicasso: Use this code to unlock the gallery.
• trustfund: Activating this cheat adds $10 in-game. Please note that it can only be activated in the in-game menu and not on the main menu

Download for All (Win/Linux/Mac)

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  • swipe down to hide the ui
  • swipe left to roll back
  • swipe right to start skipping of text
  • swipe 2x left&right to open the game menu
  • swipe up&down to toggle a small window with memory usage information
  • longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot

Download Incest Patch

Content Changed

Enables incest.

Patch Instructions

Windows/PC: Copy xyz.rpyc into your “game” folder.

Android users: Navigate to Android/data/xyz/files, create a new folder named “game” and copy the xyz.rpyc in this folder.

Mac: Right click your  xyz app -> Click “Show Package Contents” -> Move xyz.rpyc into your “Contents/Resources/autorun/game” folder

Note: This patch will work for all future versions as well. Just copy the file for each new game version. It will always stay the same file.

Download Mod


Walkthrough calls out choices that lead to Lewd and Sex Scenes, Achievements and Gallery Pics.
Walkthrough highlights any relevant variables and flags pertaining to a choice.
Enables skipping of minigames with choice of instant win or lose.
For imagemap based unlockables an optional pointer to the location can be shown.

Mod also adds the ability to name saves.

Keyboard Navigation:
G – Show/Hide Walkthrough Guide

The mod does not change any game files.


1. Unzip file
2. Copy contents to “/game” folder in the game install directory

1. Delete modwtasahibito.rpa

Download Gallery Mod - 0.1.2I

Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.


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Editor's Rating

Story - Hardenville plunges you into a perplexing playground devoid of a concrete narrative. The ambiguity can be both intriguing and frustrating, leaving you adrift in a sea of confusion. Sadly, character introductions are as scarce as an oasis in a desert, adding to the enigmatic haze that veils the gameplay. - 61%
Visual - Step into the world of Hardenville, where visuals captivate and models mesmerize. The artistry behind the renders is undeniably impressive, pulling you deeper into the game's aesthetic charm. Each scene is a visual feast, meticulously crafted to evoke a sense of immersion and allure, showcasing a commitment to detail that truly shines. - 84%
Engagement - While the allure of Hardenville's visuals beckons, the engagement factor wavers like a flame in the wind. The lack of a coherent core loop leaves players grasping for substance in a game that feels more like a series of disconnected moments rather than a cohesive experience. The absence of compelling events or interactions dampens the game's potential for long-term engagement, leaving players yearning for more. - 47%
Core Loop - In the heart of Hardenville lies a core loop struggling to find its rhythm. The game stumbles with minigames that border on the edge of frustration, detracting from the immersive potential the world promises. Unwinnable challenges and lackluster mechanics hinder the player experience, turning what could be a rewarding loop into a tedious cycle of missed opportunities. - 32%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.71 ( 35 votes)

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  1. This game has an amazing start and if they keep it up it will only get better.

  2. Okay, first – not every girl has or even wants a fucking sex toy. Stop that.

    You have exactly ONE potential sex scene that happens with a drunk girl (we’ll get to that because it’s literally NOT LEGAL in this day and age) and you COCK BLOCK it with a fucking jelly fish! For no viable reason.

    Lesbian is NOT a fucking kink, genius. Pregnancy is a kink. Anal is a kink. Bondage is a kink. Lesbian is what someone IS. Or is not.

    There’s one scene with his Mom – who ALSO cock blocks your attempt to make it up to the player by actually following through on the drunk sex… but no. Because retard. [She should ALSO NOT be gettting married this late in the game, and there’s NO FUCKING REASON why she’s on the romance list if you’re already marking her as TAKEN!]

    Most of the girls spent too much time razzing the MC rather than actually building a damned thing. Fuck Jasmine as a character – Double fuck the idea that the prude in the group has EVER sent a nude pic (unless it was by accident, or intentionally to the MC!) This is not “bonding.” Dumbass’. If you can’t tell the difference between genuine banter and being a prick for no reason, that’s on you.

    There is WAY too much drinking. The MC isn’t going to impress any girl if he’s a fucking lush. And why the fuck did you mark “rizz” as an attribute. It’s Charisma. Period. Learn to type full words. Jesus fucking Christ I had modern slang in a video game that’s supposed to be about ESCAPISM.

    As far as I’ve played, and it’s only to the end of episode one, there’s NO good reason to think this will pan into anything decent. The dev started with the bullshit cliche of “just moments before I die…” which either means they’re starting mid way through the damned story and trying to work back to that point from “the beginning” or they’re just being a dick.

    There’s an ex girlfriend that really, really did NOT need to be introduced, and should NOT have been an ex for ANY reason… and the point MC states he doesn’t even know if she’s single (here’s a tip; if she’s not – she’s not worthy to pursue. End of. Fuck any sort of NTR, or NTR adjacent content. If she has ANY feelings for him at all, she will wait… or you’re still being a prick) If MC at all has to “win her back” then she was never his girl in the first fucking place, and if she can move on that easily, read above.

    1. 1) Many girls have and enjoy sex toys. Statistically you can run into a bunch at once. No harm/no foul.
      2) Being cockblocked is itself not a bad story beat. There’s so much else to complain about in this scene and you focus on two of the more boring aspects.
      3) Watching other people have sex when they are lesbians is absolutely a kink.
      4) Having sex with a “taken” women is also a kink.
      5) Are you Alcoholics Anonymous? Sometimes people drink too much.
      6) Okay thanks for your opinion I guess. I disagree.
      7) The first half of this complaint is another “thanks for your opinion I guess”. The second half has some points to it, and is one of the larger themes of this game: It’s one of those games where the MC is implied to have ownership over women.

      Funny how you talk about having sex with drunk people is illegal but ignore how slavery is as well because the implied slavery hits the Harem beats that you enjoy hypercritically.

      In the best harem games, it’s the women who decide to join. Women, being human beings, have the right to change their mind and because of that, no harem master owns anyone. Only a slave master does.

      Thank you for rambling less than usual, No. It’s nice to find after eighteen months your posts have gotten easier to read without wanting to swallow a shotgun. Now we’ll see if being criticized gets you frothing at the mouth and missing the points as you try to defend your honor, still.

      Hugs and kisses.

      1. If you want to swallow a shotgun for any reason, go ahead. I sure as fuck won’t stop you. I might call you Kurt, but that’s still your choice.

        I don’t have to defend myself to you. You’re free to disagree and I’ve never said anyone wasn’t. My points are my opinion in review. No one EVER has to read them; nor bother to comment if they don’t actually have a debatable point to make. I would actually highly prefer they don’t. Not that anyone ever listens.

        Lesbianism is still not a kink. Having a taken women makes you an asshole with commitment issues. It’s NOT a kink. Watching two people fuck when you have no chance of actually joining is more retarded, than any sort of “kink.” Just because many girls have a sex toy does not mean that EVERY girl has ever used one, or even wants to. There are those who specifically don’t favor them and would prefer the real thing. Your argument in this case isn’t as solid as you think. Some people do not like sex toys, and they are not necessary if you actually know what you’re doing in sex.

        Harem in the genre sense DOES NOT do slavery; you’re thinking of the archaic term. Not the genre. BDSM characters are rarely included, but in that case the “slavery” you condemn is also their choice. The genre of Harem is more about having an open heart; wanting your collected women to be loyal to just you, and choosing those that you think as the player are actually valuable enough to be worth collecting.

        Ownership is usually allowed by the women, because they WANT their man to be possessive. Just not Controllingly possessive. It’s part of Dominance and Submission.

        I don’t froth at the mouth just because you jerk offs all want to troll me. I do get annoyed, I get frustrated, but if I was “frothing” my answers in response wouldn’t be at all comprehensible.

        It’s also not my fault if none of you can be bothered to read more than three sentences at a time.

        I am not Alcoholics Anonymous, but there are people like me who’ve dealt with alcoholics, and do NOT need that bullshit in our escapism. My father was one, I personally don’t need to see some dumb fuck MC try to drink himself to death, while also somehow garnering umpteen females that frankly in reality if he was that hard a drinker wouldn’t have a second’s worth of time for him. Because they don’t want to deal with that shit either.

        Do note; none of this is me “defending” myself. It’s me counter debating your arguments. Which I will at least applaud as not completely trollish. I disagree with most of your points the same way you do with mine. Though I will say if you’re male, fuck off with the hugs and kisses. That’s either pure sarcasm, or very much unappreciated and unwanted.

        1. Game is shit, but buddy i wish to see the day, when you finally shut your yapper about games. There is not one game to your liking, so why bother downloading them. Do you think we are interested in your constant whining about them, take your own advice and fuck off.

          1. I’m interested in his reviews, they have saved me a lot of time and I’m always glad I take the time to read them instead of wasting my time one a game that is full of bs. That’s what these comments are for, to discuss the games.

        2. I wasn’t trolling you. That you read it that way is why you can’t have the kind of discussion you think you deserve. That’s a you problem. You’ve been better with the self-reflection since then and I hope it continues

    1. Yes, I also agree with you, the project looks just gorgeous, the picture is very well drawn, but the plot is very strange and short, I would say that the project is simply not clear!

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