
Lovey-Dovey Lockdown [Final] [Sloth Gamer]

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Editor's Rating

Story - The narrative is centered around their interactions during a lockdown, creating an atmosphere of intimacy and self-discovery. While the storyline may not be groundbreaking, it's a nice and simple concept that resonates with many players. However, the progression feels a bit lacking & unfulfilling endings. - 68%
Visual - Visually, Lovey-Dovey Lockdown showcases some impressive CGs that succeed in capturing the emotions and expressions of the characters. These stunning images bring life to the story and enhance the player's connection with the characters. However, the overall art style falls short of being extraordinary, lacking that - 72%
Engagement - Engaging players is a crucial aspect of any game, but Lovey-Dovey Lockdown falls short in this regard. The gameplay is tedious, with repetitive mechanics that hinders the overall enjoyment. The dialogue has lackluster moments, preventing players from fully investing themselves in the narrative. While the game isn't excessively long, the tedium experienced can be a barrier to complete engagement. - 57%
Core Loop - The core loop in Lovey-Dovey Lockdown centers around managing the characters' daily lives and making choices that affect their relationships. This loop is more monotonous than exciting. The requirement to collect all CGs to unlock the good ending, while understandable, can be frustrating for those seeking a satisfying conclusion. Additionally, the lack of adult content upon reaching a happy end may leave players yearning for a more immersive experience. - 65%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 4.26 ( 11 votes)

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  1. this was a fun little loop! kinda cute narrative, good animations, everything easy to unlock and in just an hour or two. but tfw you’re distracted and forget the rules and accidentally get the bad ending.

    1. Naturally you would find a game where you sit at home in a faceshield slathered in sanitzer only leaving to get your weekly vax and doing whatever the latest drone of a talking head on TV tells you so you don’t catch any cooties while simping for trannies to be fun.

      This is what happens when you have no brain cells that actually fire.

      1. Although I do not entertain the fact that Edgelord actually played the game the following made me laugh a bit so I’m still posting it. Rancor obviously is okay with making things up so why not.

        Yeah, MIKE, you must obviously not be able to THINK FOR YOURSELF unlike…

        …hold on, I need to check what today’s right-wing talking points say about medicine…

        Unlike the people who KNOW that DOCTORS are not QUALIFIED to tell you what is and isn’t HEALTHY. Think for yourself! Go out and get a biochemical degree! But not at a SCHOOL because that will only get you COMMUNISM and STDs that all the surgeons have! Get a biochemical degree with your OWN BRAIN.


        Now, see, the problem with my retort is that it only tacitly touches on what RanCor actually said and spins off from there to make up things about him that may or may not be true, but a typical trolling doesn’t care about that. It’s there to try and trigger the person being talked about into thinking they’re being insulted by all means necessary.

        Like how RanCor suggests that the game has anything mentioned in it and, because I’m sure as hell not going to play the game just to find out if he’s right or wrong, the idea that penismike cannot think for himself must be credible.

        It’s demonstratively not credible, but that’s not important in trolling. This is playground rules. Children saying whatever they think will hurt the other person. RanCor tends to–not always, but tends to–hit the low hanging fruit because it amuses him and that’s fine. I don’t expect Peabody Award level writing on a porn game website.

        And obviously I’m fine with picking on idiots because I’m doing it myself, here, right now. I’ve repeatedly said how the comments section is more fun than most of these games.

        I could have, and probably should have, pointed out how RanCor’s comment has absolutely nothing to do with penismike’s, but let’s be honest, trolls already know this. It’s a basic trolling technique. When you’re cribbing from Ben Shapiro, you either need to be completely aware of it or be one of the most ignorant people on the planet.

        I expect some kind of response about how I also have no brain cells because when you cherry-pick imperfections in humanity you can manipulate it to mean almost anything you want. In fact, I’ll be quite disappointed if RanCor doesn’t pick on this post in some fashion, because if he doesn’t that means he agrees with me, deep down, on some level.

        We already know that Nohomo/Truth does.

        Anyway, I’d trust a review of someone who actually played the game–penismike–versus someone more desperate to trip over themselves to troll than even I am–RanCor.

      2. what was that about brain cells? you clearly didn’t even play the game, it has nothing to do with covid. is the word Lockdown that triggering to you, snowflake?

      3. Love when someone so stupid they have been brainwashed by Facebook mother’s groups thinks everyone else is dumb.

  2. “Lockdown” can’t believe you fell for that shit and the death jab. I personally know of 3 people who died shortly after a jab. Nobody from the chinese released bioweapon. Which was probably released on purpose. Like monkeypox. It’s all about control and trying to enslave you.

    1. Death is what awaits mankind if we do not maintain herd immunity to things like the chicken pox.


      1. There is no “herd immunity” given by the death jab dummy. It’s not even a vaccine. If you think it is one you are actually dumber than a dummy. Name one vaccine that is up to 7 or 8 jabs in a couple years. Fuck you are stupid. Holly crap. There is no legal liability to injury. Somebody can slip on your sidewalk and you have to pay. But nothing for an untested substance pumped right into your body.

        1. We’ve gone over this before, and you’ve moved the goal posts.

          If your evidence is “there’ve been a lot of vaccines for this”, and the substance is “untested” you’re as bad as a liar; you’re maliciously ignorant.

          I’m not going to do your homework for you AGAIN on this topic. Provide proof or die unvaccinated, just stop putting other people at risk via your conspiracy-theory paranoia.


      2. LOL

        Herd immunity from a fake vax that doesn’t even stop you from getting the virus.

        And the retarded comment award goes to… ♿♿♿

        1. You? Is it you? Because it sounds like it’s you. That is, if Nohomo wasn’t being even worse with just as little information, at least, so you get second prize, and as they say second place is just another name for first place loser.

          Nice try, loser!

    2. if this is what you came here to say you clearly haven’t played the game. it has nothing to do with covid so you can save your propaganda energy for something different. you’re so deep into your cult that you think everyone lee is in a cult but you. kinda sad but funny because it’s you and i wish you nothing but misery.

      1. Shh! Stop telling him the secrets of being normal!

        If he’s wasting his energy on a porn game website then he’s not harassing people trying to have normal lives. I consider keeping him here a service to humanity. A small service, but it’s not like I’m out saving the world either so at least I can do my part.

        1. that’s actually a great idea. petition to rename every game on the site to “Lockdown” so that nohomo and rancor waste their time whining about covid

          1. That’s actually not a bad idea. Good to see we can come to agreement on something. That way, I could copy paste generic posts while you two Fauci buttplugs spend all day running all over Dikgames having an emotional meltdown as you get up to date on all things RanCor.

    1. If Trump is elected, Ukraine will face a massacre. Personally, I support the Pope of the Vatican. Yeah.

      1. Ukraine being wiped off the map isn’t a bad thing.

        Most people couldn’t even find it on the map anyway, and only know about it because it’s what their TV tells them about.

        One less corrupt dump of a country that doesn’t matter.

          1. Keep sending Ukraine your money their politicians keep smuggling out of the country while you wave your little Ukraine flag, cockdinger.

            1. you act like we have a choice where our taxes go. oh wait i forgot you’re a retard who doesn’t know how the real world works. can’t believe i forgot that.

      1. Wow. Did you come up with that all on your own, little retard man? Or did your Democunt handlers give you a dummy card with that scribbled out and told you to go hunt for Trump posts all over the internet?

        1. Bold words for someone who does a verbal double reach-around with our local conspiracy theorist and thinks it’s everyone else who’s the idiot.

          But you keep doing you. It’s funny as fuck.

        2. for someone who uses the words faggot, cuck and retard in every other sentence you don’t have much room criticizing anyone for their vocabulary.

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