
God among Kings [v0.27] [SolidDoc]

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View Secret list:

Secret list:

There are no missable secrets, the ones earned in battle events can be retroactively gained via replay
1. “Prologue” battle event. Condition: who kills the enemy general. Reward: Brief scene for each character, +1 Kreios HP if he won the bet.
2. Bandit missions. Condition: have Kreios present at the very start of the battle multiple times. Reward: A new character
3. “Ambush at Touppes” battle event. Kill the enemy general before routing the enemy. Reward: Slightly altered following scene, +1 Kreios HP.
4. Condition: Develop Poitou village twice in the treasurer screen. Reward: bonus event

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Editor's Rating

Story - 69%
Visual - 89%
Engagement - 84%
Core Loop - 87%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.16 ( 7 votes)

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  1. Well I for one, think this game is great though the sex scenes are short and boring, the plot makes up for it. It’s terrible as a 18+ sex-based game but it’s other aspects are great…Yes there are a lot of (annoying) fights but as you progress in the game you’ll find solutions for these kind if problems.

  2. No - He can't even turn into a dragon or ride a griffon Dude; but at least you didn't split the game into 3 separate games, and leave the True Ending as DLC - I'll give you that much. But I shouldn't give you bright ideas... says:

    This is a badly done parody of Fire Emblem (in the older veins – and not even the better games)

    There are too many enemies on any given field to hope to survive the encounter when only ONE of your party actually has healing skills, and you limit that to 3 per encounter.

    You can really only level up one unit realistically; maybe two at best. The inclusion of non named characters on the field adds nothing to the game, and actively takes away from your ability to level up the actual named characters who are important to the story. Speaking of…

    There’s barely one to start with. You see all of the girls on the title card up there? You meet the lot except the blue haired chick within the first three battles. By the way: Anonymous – the only way I found was to go to preferences and turn on God Mode. Because of the reasons I listed above, I don’t think you can. There are again, too many enemies to face. Not enough actual stats – and 4/5ths of your team doesn’t show up initially but gets added at certain points.

    * There’s also a secret but you have to let Krieos get the Leader Kill = To do this realistically you’d have to sac turns and give the enemy free shots at your party. When your healer has no heals, and no group healing option. When your party does not have the stats to be able to survive a round getting their teeth kicked in. Way to go Dev.

    If you started the MC and party at say 100 to 150 HP, with decent attack or defense or evasion based on their class and unique abilities; fair enough. Then you can add 9 people to the first battle and I might still have a shot. You give this retard 15 HP. Then have every enemy take at least 2 HP every time the MC gets hit. I suck at math and even I know that’s not ending well. The upgrades to abilities aren’t exactly stellar either, and as far as I saw there were only 4 of them to speak of. I got all 4 after I won the second battle, on Krieos. They don’t change enough to be worth taking.

    On top of that it’s called a God among Kings… and He’s NOT the king. Of anything. His first battle is him attacking a lord for whatever bullshit reason, winning – and then getting scolded by his sister for it (I assume she’s his sister; it’s not clear) Look, not every fire emblem had a comprehensive story (or even a comprehendable one…) but you should at least try to help people understand what the fuck is going on. A bit of actual exposition to world build. Maybe a reason for this guy thinking he’s untouchable. Hell one of his sisters that actually identifies herself as a sister is away in some other place for her studies and it might be nice to know why the hell that was necessary. Who the fuck Raven, Heimdal (Who is a MALE in Norse myth… >.< You might as well have named her Sentinel, Guardian or Voyuer) and Scarlet are and why they signed up. Or became Captain I wanna dip my stick's lovers. Frankly I thought when he won against noble boy = his wife was gonna get bent over the throne and pounded silly. Same with the purple haired girl who at least actually gives him a blow job; that gets interrupted. That's not a good enough "reward" for the bullshit mechanics. Even the sex scene when you win the first battle WITH the secret isn't great, because it's not animated and there is no actual shown ENDING. We don't get to control where he does, and there's no pregnancy tag… so there's probably no planned consequence to speak of.

    I am not ashamed to admit I tapped out after the third battle, and based on the presentation as a whole I have no plans to continue to download this game. I really wouldn't recommend it. The girls aren't even that attractive (Really: What is it with some devs and designing beyond even cartoonishly unrealistic tits, hip width or asses?) The main character's an ignoramous. There's no interactivity in the sex scenes, and the mechanics of the combat are so borked the battles are unwinnable without the inclusion of a "cheat code" that shouldn't need to be there.

  3. A very interesting plot, but the interface is terrible. The number of cells to save 9 pcs is this a joke?The sex scenes are too short! The gameplay is too long to speed up and it lags a lot!

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