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Friends in Need [Ch. 8 v0.57b SE] [NeonGhosts]

Download for Windows/ Linux - v0.57

Download for Windows/ Linux - Update Only (v0.57 -> v0.57b)

Download for Windows/ Linux - Vanilla Version v0.55

Download for Mac - v0.57

Download for Mac- Update Only (v0.57 -> v0.57b)

Download for Mac - Vanilla Version v0.55

Download for Android + Patched

Usage of the additional swipe commands:
Swipe left: back
Swipe right: skip
Swipe up: main menu
Swipe down: hide

The game saves are stored now in a persistent folder and should be available even when the game is deinstalled
Location: “(your device)\Documents\RenPy_Saves\com.koga3.friendsinneed”

– You have to grant the permission for the external/second save storage use when starting the game for the first time.
– On some devices the game seems to stuck on the very first start after you granted the permission.
Please close the game completely and restart it, it should work after that without that issue again.

Download Walkthrough

Download Incest Patch

“Step 1. Move “patch.rpy” into “game” folder.
Step 2. Allow “patch.rpy” to overwrite the existing file of the same name.

Please note that this patch can be used on any version of the game, from v. 0.15 forward.

Download Games Patch

Quick patch to add save naming – makes it easier to keep track of paths.

Just extract to main folder (where .exe is) and overwrite if prompted.

Download Mod

Extract file from file to the \game folder and overwrite when prompted.


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Editor's Rating

Story - 84%
Visual - 92%
Engagement - 90%
Core Loop - 90%


out off 100%

This review is based on author's perspective and actual experience may differ on individual's own preferences.

User Rating: 3.98 ( 115 votes)

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  1. Typical grooming by the gay mafia. Game was going ok then started putting trannies in game. Clearly with the intent to groom and normalize being a faggot in your mind. If the attempted goal of making you gay doesn’t work.

    1. True.
      And then no time to create content for all NPCs.
      Then abandoned soon.

      4-5 girls of 3 years ago, have zero sex scenes with MC. And trans boy queer helicopter have sex scene early. Nonsense.

  2. There are no additional choices (from the patch) like in the walkthrough. The game patch also doesn’t seem like the right one. How to fix this?

  3. Ch 8 (v.55) I love this game exploring the “Jesus”-path. Wished there would be more games like this!
    Also I hope the author is not pushing MC into a monogamous relation. Doing good and have an urge helping people who got fucked over by life and feeling good getting there lifes back on track, should not make one live a celibate …
    Having sexual adventures is also joyfull …

    1. I’d be surprised if the author did. At this point in the story the MC is having casual sexual relationships and that’s about it. There is no Harem tag however so if he screws his way to a single ending I wouldn’t be disappointed.

  4. From V0.4 to 0.55 it’s like 5000 lines of script.
    Having 3 possible start depending on how it ended, you skip a lot. Depending on each ending you have 2-4 possible paths…so basically this update has 1 event and jumps straight to mid of the update (line 2600).
    It’s really nice that authors try to create multiple paths but at some point they should really refocus on a story , maybe keeping so events as “side-events” triggered according to the path you choose, but every update should focus on the main plot. Because waiting 6 months for a 10 minutes playtime … not worth support in my eyes.

    1. I’ll support it.

      I won’t pay for it but I’ll support it.

      So far this is an amazing story (for what it is, people, for what it is) and I’ll keep following it until I get bored or the author does, whichever comes first.

      I never go into these expecting them to be finished, certainly not for a fulfilling completion and if it does I will be surprised and that much happier for it.

  5. Only played the v0.4 Dark version.
    I do get why the author is publishing a “vanilla” version as well. MC can really be very bad in dark mode.
    Most girls have a friend, friends with benefit, love, submissive/humiliation/blackmail and rape path.
    That’s a lot of paths to set up and I guess by now every updated setting up 5 different contents per girl is being a nightmare. A few minutes per path at best.
    Story is not bad but those 2 renders-animation do really not qualify for animation. They are bad and rare.
    No girls can really be turned down, so if you don’t like her it’s about choosing just friend or rape.
    Choices are not always very obvious, some girls are into “rough” but requiring a “caring” start with them or you have multiple choices during hot scenes and only 1 combination is “good” every other closes path or gets you into dark. The walkthrough might really come in handy to avoid “the” wrong answer that suddenly closes a path without knowing why (example, at some point after being very sweet with a girl, you can just leave or make a move…the the move is considering “pushy” by the author and you drop to FWB close off the romance path. However you only know it way later in the game if you know there is a love path with her).
    With all those “action” choices, i would say author should think about a in-game walkthrough.

    1. the koga “0.55” mod has dark path disabled by default BUT it can be turned on in modmenu BEFORE MC rename/default.

      Personally I recommend opening modmenu and enabling dark path immediately after clicking new game.

  6. What stupidity is this? It says V 0.55 and there is only 0.4 for download? I know this is free but this is ridiculous. In addition, for a long time I have seen comments being approved and after a while published they are deleted. Is this page turning into garbage or what?

    1. It’s a largely unmoderated forum, making it Lord of the Flies.

      I think it works by throwing all posts into a moderation bin, and a few times a day someone checks for obvious bots and approves the rest. Then, maybe once every week or two, someone checks for actual problem posts. I pity that poor soul.

      There is a FAQ linked at the bottom of every page. Search for “Why did my comment disappeared[sic]?” for reasons why a comment may be disappeared. I personally don’t think this is happening and that missing posts are just as likely due to database glitches as someone purposefully deleting them.

      For future education: There is a “Report Broken Link” on every page. I keep forgetting about it too.

    2. 2 versions to download ….click the correspondent button and it will work.
      It even helps if you read the title right over the buttons….the version number is indicated.
      Sometime instead of blaming the world for your own stupidity…maybe you should try to use your brain to solve your self-created struggles.

      1. Both versions are 0.4 looks like dev or webhost screwed up because the 0.55 link downloads the same file with a different filename

  7. I don’t know if the links are outdated but there is no progression in the story, it ends after the date with Ashe like in the Halloween update

    1. The version a dowloaded on 2nd January stating V0.4 end in Nicky apartment, Ash jacuzzi event or Risa FJ depending of night choices.

  8. All these entitled comment Karens LOL I think I like reading the comments here better then youtube now.. At least here they’re not censored . I do love great entertainment

    1. Comments are censored though. Also it’s not being a “Karen” because you don’t want to be groomed by gay crap.

      1. nohomo = incel homophobe groomer, so paranoid to see conspiracies everywhere but cannot prove any censorship has taken place.

        And nohomo is right, it’s not being “Karen”–that’s No, you’ll get to know him–they’re being sensitive snowflakes. Watch them whine about things having nothing to do with the game because their fathers beat them and now they have no self-worth!

        Like I said elsewhere, Anonymous, it’s more fun reading this crap than playing the games!

  9. with the dark path removed this game is just shit. too bad can’t even explore fantasies in a safe place like a game.👎

      1. 0.4/0.55 on here are both missing Dom/aggressive path. walkthrough now references it as “patch” so I assume you now need to find and download said patch to access it.

        Frankly without it this novel is assembly line cookies with doses of allergens tossed in instead of art

        Too many devs still pandering to LGTBQ despite the fact that the real gay communities are disassociating from them as fast as they can and in fact never agreed to be associated in the first place.

  10. I wish this latest update was more than two story beats but it still continues to be something I’ll download until it’s done or abandoned.

  11. Game was cool till the dev decided to groom and fagified it. At least you can skip the queer bait.

  12. Bro you are a fucking Millionaire….why would you still want to crybaby over your Bff( who is just a gold digger whore)fucking you for yor money and
    disappearing for fucking 3 months god knows how many dick she tasted these 3 months and suddenly comes to MC bitch why would you still have feelings for some whore…just say get the fuck outta here bitch.. Why would i fucking want anything from you..UGH. you have money,you are handsome and kind, even you have horsedick why would you fking date these ugly bitches… UGHH…and that fking barista girl…my god please delete her from the game…dev man your game is good…but there are so many girl who should be into MC…They behave like they don’t give a fuck about MC…so why should I give a simple fuck about them…that library chick is also gold-digging mc…yo chick,you motherfucking husband goes to jail,, good.. Why the fuck would you call the Mc for help he isn’t your helper for fuck sake…and dev sir..your MC is a total shitbrain..

  13. WARNING: v0.39 introduces the chance to get a blowjob from a pre-op tranny.

    OH NO! A girl who will transition into a guy probably later but some of you are going to flip your lid at the mere suggestion and I wanted to take a chance to warn people before they do. It’s 100% skippable so if you like the story so far keep playing it.

    This release can be sad and is ramping up some drama. Some funtimes, some not.

        1. You gays are grooming everywhere. Most products push your harry man ass worship and even little kids get indoctrinated. There is no escaping you butthole cultists.

    1. the only thing i can say is you can refuse to call her a boy and if you choose to rape her you get a good look and all she has is a pussy she just wants to be called a boy. I tell her no and you can turn her into a dick-sucking slave it looks like in the future.

  14. Does anybody else have the issue of only being given the friendly options? I don’t know why, but for some reason I can’t take the evil paths as they don’t even appear for me.

    1. You have to download the “Incest Patch”. There isn’t any incest in the game yet (it’s heavily implied the MC’s sister will be in the game at some point) but it unlocks the fully evil/darker content.

          1. That’s because in the Script for 0.4 the dev took out the entire dark path part. If I’m not completely stupid and just can’t see it, the complete “dark” path is gone. Not even the patch can bring it back.
            Shame, really.

  15. now just need to bring it all the girls together and make it a harem. Give the people what they want man… and some prego for me =]

  16. Don’t know you but I felt quite offended by this game, all those major choices were pre made by the author and the MC is just pathetic, tasteless and stupid. This is even worse than trash porn, this is fking obnoxious.

  17. Game of the bomb, I went through it on the love route with his best girlfriend, and without raping the other girls, there is enough hard sex here. Who has not played I recommend to try, the developer is well done😎👍

  18. This game is what it is and it’s a good story that goes back and forth and almost manages to treat women as real people.

      1. Women don’t like getting raped, but they like sex. like come don’t rape just be sweet and ask nicely most women would agree. win win for both sides no need violence or spending time in jail or shame to your friends and family.

        1. How’s “Asking nicely” working for most guys xD? Women don’t like nice guys. I’m not saying to go violate anyone. But if it’s in a game who cares? Real life studies have shown the majority of women fantasize about this type of content. You can google that. So stop trying to shame guys for doing the same thing.

  19. First, the largest abiding problem with this game is you have essentially turned what should properly BE a Harem into a “dating sim.” Except most of the story is tied to “dating” all of the girls. So effectively if you’re aiming for deliniation in paths, there ISN’T. Which gets confusing as to the saves you might be working on (No, naming the save every. Fucking. Time. I want to save does NOT help in that regard – Let people name it once and KEEP the name for it recalled, so that it doesn’t need to be redone a billion times. It’s not that hard a QoL feature to think to put in, there are games that do it)

    Your BFF is an asshole. Period. She is WAY too divided about what she really wants. She fucks MC for money – then gets Yeeted for 3 months or more – Just to come back and admit she only came back because she was two seconds from being raped into becoming a porn star = WHY. THE. HELL. WOULD. I. WANT. ANYTHING. TO. DO. WITH. HER. AT. THAT. POINT??? (Sexually harassed is fine – Being guarded EVEN against the MC is NOT!)

    Every other girl in the game is either a merc, or just as traumatized (and why in the sweet unholy fuck do we have to have a sexualized sister character? Are there not enough of those games?!? – I care less that it’s there than it’s obviously there to PUNISH the player later; or make MC feel guilty because “incest is bad, M’kay?” Taboo is ONLY taboo when it’s RARE. Better than every second game on this site isn’t rare, it’s not even uncommon, and it damned sure ain’t shiny… and I just freaking bet if Paetron stopped being an ass about it’s rules toward what is effectively FANTASY content, not a single one of you would bother putting it into just about every fucking game you make then. I’d bet a hundred bucks I’m right)

    The black barely legal girl needs to not be a bitch for any reason AFTER she starts dating MC. I literally got her incriminating photos back, and deleted her pics instead of keeping them, and she still breaks up with MC for basically HELPING her. You. DO. NOT. Do that… EVER. You are disrespecting the audience, the player and the MC by going there and she DOES NOT get to try to apologize later. I don’t give a flying rat’s ass that she’s “still a teen.” That argument might work up to the point she is 16 – and really should end about 15 – and it damned sure doesn’t count for an 18 year old. At which point her horomones WOULD be about as settled into being who she is as they’re bloody going to be. So No Bueno Devs. Re-write that whole scene, or I would just tell her to fuck right off and be done. It would work the same with any other female in the game (and by the way, making the Barista openly hostile is NOT an endearing trait – Tsundere characters NEED to be as ENDEARING as they are abrasive. There needs to be something about her that’s redeemable and it can’t just be that she’s physically attractive. Whoopie. If she’s not going to date and or fuck you; or she’s going to treat either like a fucking reward system, the answer is: There’s the door. Have a nice day, and don’t let it hit your ass on the way out, because you’ll probably orgasm. The token black chick didn’t even find out I had gotten somewhere with her nemesis, so it was VERY out of left field. Just after I went out of my way to help her with getting back something that would have RUINED her. After I had helped pay her father’s fucking bail money… So that whole damned thing can just die in a fire. At this point as close to redeemed as you almost made her for the way she was introduced, you torched it with me in that one dumbassed scene. She wants to break up – fine. But a heart is not like a boo boo, and there is no fucking band-aid to patch it up and make it all better. No matter what part of MC’s anatomy she decides like any good bipolar she’s suddenly fine again to “kiss.” Unless it’s a DAMNED good apology, with admissin that I outright own her entirely FOREVER, and there will be no more revolving door BS, the answer is My Ass. That’s exactly what she can kiss.

    Dating her, or any other female should NOT preclude you from relationships with ANY other woman in the game the Player might choose to invest in. The black girl’s step mom needs to be a lot easier to warm up. The last time I played I couldn’t tell a damned thing about whether I was getting anywhere with (well… really any of them; because you end up giving BFF her own place, even After deciding to let her choose to fuck you as friends with benefits [Side note: That NEVER works. You either break the friendship entirely, or there are feelings that one or both just will not cop to, that WILL eventually ruin both relationships after the point you choose to start fucking] so that’s an issue that needs clarification.

    Hell at this point the only two I might want to pursue are the Gym Trainer who needs to lay off the macho bitch routine with MC (I don’t care as she’s ripped – if you want a guy to like you = Do Not EVER Emasculate him! How is this rocket science to you people??? I really do not understand) and the homeless chick we’ve barely been introduced to, that the MC probably still thinks is a guy. [It’s kind of a freaking spoiler by the way to have her with the others in the main screen]
    End of the day, there are two things I want from this game. First: To be able to get all of the girls you introduce (IE do not introduce a female character with a name that is shown onscreen, that is unattainable) WITHOUT consequences in the longrun [This includes emotional rollercoasters of “will they/won’t they” bs – I did not download these games to be abused, for you to get your rocks off. Consequence does not invariably mean NEGATIVE. It means the result of any given action, in general. Whether intended or not, as often as not, positive in outcome as it is potentially negative. I really, REALLY should not need to explain that point to anyone old enough to be playing these games. Never mind designing them. Anyway, the second is YES: I want to have pregnancy content – I want them all to be pregnant by the end, and I do not want MC to have to worry about Money ever again. At all. For any reason. There have been too many Harem games recently that try to dick around with sudden windfalls and then losing it, only to build it back again. That kind of thing ALSO breaks the fantasy. So stop it.

    The game SHOULD by any and all rights JUST be a harem. Trying for too many paths won’t just fuck up our save slots and make it harder to get any of the actual endings with a given girl we might want. It will bork your storyline for trying. So there’s one more kiss that should apply. Keep. It. Stupendously. Simple. He is RICH. Kind, and horse cocked enough that their pleasure isn’t going to be a problem. He IS the Unicorn. For all of them. Make all of the girls at least smart enough to entertain the notion, and keep those three important points in mind. Even the damned barista. Especially her, in fact. Besides, I really, genuinely absolutely and entirely LOATHE Tsundere characters.

      1. The answer to that would just be another TL;DR comment like I’ve gotten from several others here. You don’t want, or need the answer to that question.

        Honestly, I am a very dominant minded male. The game was originally offering options to BE dominant with a girl – and several paths to pursue with the BFF. None of that so far as I see has actually panned out. MC has thus far ONLY been written as a passive little bitch if you want the girls at all to “like” him [Which I’ll point out, as realistically as this has been written for the current day – is NOT what gets one to actually FUCK you] I AM tired of it. The MC has the money they want, the dick they all need; and frankly SHOULD be absolutely domineering for them to get it. Instead, this dev wants to fuck around and rip all power away from the player at every single mother fucking (literally, since one of the girls already is – and that borks a particular “kink” btw : / ) point imaginable.

        Again; the girls are meant to be a DRAW to the player. Which you cannot do when ALL of them are assholes, or otherwise unavailable. They look hot, and that isn’t going to get you anywhere if they’ve effectively friendzoned MC or treat him like some god damned yo-yo. When they realize he’s the best thing they’ve got and they’re not going to find anyone else who a) treats them like he does as valuable no matter how slutty they’ve been or become, and b) has the funds they need to be considered in a stable relationship. Devs like this NEED to realize you cannot have your cake and eat it too. People in general do NOT react like this. Ever.

        So at the end, Dev needs to fix Gabriella to be more the absolute Sub. Like she should always have been. Nicki needs to stop fucking MC around and decide what she wants. [There should also ABSOLUTELY be a “darker” path with her that is JUST as viable!!!] The sister should a) not be Bi, and b) not be remotely involved if she’s just going to be another brick wall. The homeless chick did NOT need to be Trans just for the sake of inclusivity. Most of the women are incredibly screwed up personally and frankly; MC has the kind of cash in game lore where he could realistically afford to date far hotter, far more willing to be kept & bred, and less baggage included overall. That’s not even me being cruel. I could say a LOT worse. It’s how the fuckwit wrote this game.

        Personally, I know exactly how hard it is – and how hard I have to TRY – to be nice to people. Nice does not mean weak-willed. It does not mean we’ll let girls walk all over us. It means we give half a shit about more than pounding them into oblivion, and trying to breed them whether they want it at that point or not. The Harem Genre – which this game properly IS – has certain expectations for the end game. At the end of the day, we all come here because it’s escapism. Some devs write things WAY too damned realistically and I’ve for a long time believed it’s their own passive aggressive outlet for their frustrations, which is the wrong focal point when you’re work exists entirely as customer service.

        I’m tired of all the devs that start a game like it’s meant to be a power fantasy, and then clearly do not understand what one really is. Or who the power is meant to be focused upon. Because it’s NOT the women. Not if the MC is a male. Submissive in sex, also does not mean weak. It does not mean only there to bend over for sex. It means she’s aware that she gets her pleasure for the most part, in SERVICE. If a girl does not know that point before anything with power dynamics even starts – or a writer can’t decide that they’re going to write a female not to be a yo-yo about it; it does piss most Doms off, and that is the problem with Switch – then it’s not a topic that needs to be in the game. It’s not a girl that needs to be in the game. Period.

        None of us come to these sites only to get MORE dicked around by women. There’s a set amount you can press anticipation before you’re just being an asshole. There is a point where you need to deliver on promises, in story and in general as a Creator, before a good chunk of your donating audience is going to tap out. It’s not about who hurt me. It’s about the potential for a decent story, and how likely I think it is one will be realized at the end. Given 90% of these games get abandoned – and mostly for the above mentioned dicking around of the player. The MC may not be me personally; but he IS my avatar to the world any of you devs want to create. He’s the ability I have to interact within it. You need to respect that, and most of all respect HIM.

        [In all fairness, I did warn it would be TL;DR]

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